Clarification regarding the process of Levy of Vetting Fee vide No. 140-W dated 31.12.2021
Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Works Branch
No. 78-W(C)/1M-26/15 Date: March 3, 2015
Levy of vetting fee for checking of plans, estimates, tender papers, etc.
It has been observed that various Government departments are coming up with proposal for waiving of vetting fee for checking of plans, estimates, tender papers etc. framed by agencies other than PWD.
As per the extant orders of the Department no vetting fee is payable for projects executed by State Government departments, irrespective of executing agency involved. Vetting charges are also not payable in case of schemes to be implemented under MPLADS.
In all other cases where the vetting relates to schemes of State Government Undertakings/autonomous bodies and private institutions, etc. either directly or through their respective departments, vetting charges are applicable @ 0.5% of the estimated cost as prescribed vide letter no. 3361-WB dt. 28/7/1977 of PWD (copy enclosed).
All concerned should take necessary action accordingly.
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Principal Secretary
Public Works Department
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