Update: Lock Down Extended upto 15.06.2021
Government of West Bengal
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah -711102
No. 647-ISS/2M-22/2020 Dated 15/05/2021
Whereas Government of West Bengal has been taking various necessary measures to contain and combat the spread of COVID 19 pandemic and had notified certain restrictions as disaster management measures vide orders of even number dated 30th April 2021, 1st May 2021, 5th May 2021 and 7th May 2021;
Whereas the State Executive Committee of West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority after a review of the prevailing situation of COVID-19 pandemic recommended certain further restriction measures for management of COVID-19 pandemic;
Whereas the state government considers that in the interest of health care and safety of the general people, additional restriction measures to cut down mobility of people and limiting human contact through assembly and congregation is essential to cut the transmission chain of virus and to contain the pandemic;
Now, after consideration of the recommendations of the State Executive Committee of West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority and on consolidation, expansion and partial modification of aforesaid earlier orders, following directives on the basis of containment approach in terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, shall remain in effect from 6 AM of Sunday 16th May 2021 to 6 PM of Sunday 30th May 2021, in public and collective interest:
- All schools/ colleges/ universities/ polytechnics/ ITI/ anganwadi centres and other educational/ academic institutions shall remain closed.
- All government offices and private establishments shall remain closed except those relating to emergency and essential services like health care, veterinary services, law and order, courts, social welfare homes, correctional services, power, drinking water supply, telecom, internet, print and electronic media, fire services, disaster management & civil defense, sanitation, sewerage and funeral services.
- Shopping complexes, malls, market complexes, spas, beauty parlors, cinema halls, restaurants, bars, sports complexes, gyms, swimming pools shall remain closed.
- Retail shops & supplies, bazaars and hats relating to vegetables, fruits, groceries milk, bread, meat and eggs shall be allowed to remain open between 7 AM-10 AM only.
- Sweetmeat shops shall be allowed to remain open between 10AM – 5PM only.
- Jewellery and saree shops may remain open between 12 noon – 3PM only.
- Medicine shops and optical stores shall remain open as per usual working hours.
- Parks, zoos, sanctuaries shall remain closed except for maintenance services.
- All intra- state local trains, metro railway and intra- state bus services and inland water transport shall remain closed except for movement of emergency and essential services personnel.
- Movement of private vehicles, taxis and auto-rickshaws will be prohibited except to and from hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic centers, clinics, vaccination centres, airports, terminal points, media houses etc.: those movements relating to essential/ exempted goods and services will also be exempted.
- All intra -state movement of trucks and goods carriers shall be closed except relating to medical supplies, oxygen, essential food commodities including milk, eggs, meat and fish, petrol/ diesel and LPG.
- All administrative, academic, entertainment, political, cultural and religious gatherings, groupings and congregations shall be prohibited.
- All industries and manufacturing units shall remain closed except those relating to medical supplies, COVID protective supplies, health and hygiene care products, oxygen and oxygen cylinders, continuous process industries and production and packaging of essential food commodities and beverages including milk, poultry, fish, and meat.
- Operations in tea gardens shall be allowed with 50% of total strength of each shift.
- Operations in Jute Mills shall be allowed with 30% of total strength of each shift.
- E-commerce/ home delivery of all commodities shall be allowed.
- Banks and Financial institutions shall remain open for restricted hours between 10AM to 2PM and for operations of ATMs.
- Petrol pumps, auto repair shops, LPG gas offices and distribution centres shall remain open.
- Print, electronic media and social media, MSOs and Cable operators shall remain open.
- SEBI regulated and notified market entities shall remain open.
- Marriage functions shall be allowed with not more than 50 persons at a time with physical distancing norms.
- Funeral rituals shall be allowed with not more than 20 persons at a time with physical distancing norms.
- All outdoor activities including movement of people and vehicles shall be further strictly prohibited between 9PM to 5AM except for health services, law and order, essential commodities including agricultural produce and other emergency services.
Wearing of masks, maintenance of physical distancing and health & hygiene protocols must be followed at all times.
Management bodies/ owners/ in-charge of the institutions, organizations, shops and establishments and work places etc shall be responsible for compliance of stated directives and COVID appropriate norms.
District administration, police commissionerates and local authorities shall ensure strict compliance of the above mentioned directives. Any violation of the aforesaid restriction measures will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and under Indian Penal Code.
Sd/- Chief Secretary
No. 647-ISS dated 15.05.2021, Source
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