
Mandatory Generation of Salary Bills through COSA Software

Finance, ,

Head of Offices/ DDOs are informed that the generation of salary bills through COSA is now mandatory. Henceforth salary bills from July 2012 and onwards should be submitted to the Treasuries/ Pay & Accounts Offices only in COSA generated printed bills.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata-700 001.

No. 9368-F(Y), Dated: 20.11.2012.


Mandatory Generation of Salary Bills through COSA Software Package

With a view to creation of the Employees’ Database and also for timely preparation of error-free salary bills, this Department vide Memorandum No. 1829-F(Y) dated 01.03.2012 directed all the Head of Offices/Drawing & Disbursing Officers [DDOs] that the Salary Bills including Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills of the employees should be prepared only through COSA software package developed by National Informatics Centre [NIC] latest by 30.06.2012 and the regular monthly salary bills from July 2012 and onwards should be submitted to the Treasuries/Pay & Accounts Offices only in COSA generated printed bills along with softcopies of such bills. As the major part of DDOs were not able to implement the COSA package due to various reasons, the time for implementation of COSA package was extended from 30.06.2012 to 30.10.2012 vide this Department Memo. No. 6037-F(Y) dated 13th July, 2012. It was also decided that the COSA package for generation of the salary bills of the Government employees shall be completed in the first phase by 30.10.2012, then in the second phase the employees of the Grant-in-Aid Institutions (Municipalities/ Panchayats /Educational Institutions etc.) shall be covered.

For implementation of the COSA Package following actions are required to be taken by the Head of Office/DDO:

(a) Procurement of one Computer Hardware and Printer,

(b) Installation of COSA software, necessary data entry for all the employees and generation of salary bills from COSA.

For the smooth and timely implementation of the COSA package by the Head of Offices/DDOs, this Department has already circulated the following guidelines:

A. For Procurement of Computer Hardware Printer: (i) This Department vide Memorandum No. 4111-F(Y) dated 17.05.2012 allowed the Head of Office/DDO to purchase one unit of computer hardware & peripherals required for this purpose with in a financial limit of one lakh rupees in anticipation of allotment.

(ii) The Head of Offices/DDOs can procure computer & peripherals from any one of the following sources:

(a) Directly purchase from M/s. Webel Technology Limited as per provision laid down in this Department’s Memo No. No. 1782-F dated 01.03.2006, for which the offer letter of M/s. Webel Technology Limited dated 15.02.2012 was also enclosed with the Order No. 1829-F(Y) dated 01.03.2012.

(b) Directly purchase at the DGS&D/ NICSI rate contract from their enlisted Contractors in terms of rule 47B (7) of the West Bengal Financial Rules as notified vide this Department Notification No.540G-F(Y) dated 26.06.2012.

(c) Purchase locally after observing the rule 47(8) Note-1 of the West Bengal Financial Rules as notified vide this Department Notification No. 5400-F(Y) dated 26.06.2012.

B. For installation of COSA software, necessary data entry for all the employees and generation of salary bills from COSA Software package: Finance Department has selected Zone-wise Vendor with specific rate contract for each job which was circulated to all the Head of Offices/DDOs vide Memorandum No. 1829-F(Y) dated 01.03.2012.

In spite of the above initiatives taken by this Department, the results of implementation of the COSA package by some Flead of Offices/DDOs are not satisfactory.

The main reasons for delay in implementation of COSA package by some Head of Offices/DDOs are:

(i) Non-receipt of computer & printer from M/s. Webel Technology Limited,

(ii) Non-availability of technical support from the selected vendors,

(iii) Lack of initiative on the part of the Head of Offices/DDOs due to their non-familiarity with the COSA software package and also referring the matter unnecessarily in spite of the authority already given to the Head of Offices for procurement of the Computers and peripherals including printer from various sources as mentioned at para A (ii) of this Order.

To monitor and expedite the implementation of COSA package by the remaining Head of Offices/DDOs, the Treasury Officers/Pay & Accounts Officers are instructed to allow accepting the salary bills, though it is not generated through COSA, only in the following two cases upto 28.02.2012:

(a) The defaulting DDOs shall produce the copies of the Purchase Orders placed to the M/s. Webel Technology Limited, which are pending for supply and installation.

(b) In cases where the computer & Printer have been installed, the copies of work-order placed to the selected venders for installation of COSA package, data entry for all the employees and generation of salary bills from COSA, which are pending for compliance by the selected vendor.

Subject to verification of each case the Treasury Officer/Pay & Accounts Officers shall accept the Non-COSA Generated Salary Bills maximum upto the period 28.02.2013. The copies of such pending Purchase Orders and Work-Orders shall be sent by the Treasury Officer/Pay & Accounts to the Directorate of Treasuries & Accounts along with the monthly accounts of December 2012 for taking up of the matter with the WEBEL or selected vendors, as the case may be. For smooth supply of the computer hardware & peripherals by M/s. Webel Technology Limited, the Head of Offices/DDOs shall make payment of the bills for purchase of computer hardware & peripherals, at the earliest, after satisfactory installation of the same.

The Treasury Officers/ Pay and Accounts Officers shall not accept any regular monthly salary bill from the DDOs on and from 01.03.2013 if the bill is not presented in the COSA generated printed bill along with the softcopy of such bill generated from the COSA package of SQL Version.

On and from 1st April 2013 all Grant-in-Aid Salary Bills/Cheques shall be released by the Treasuries/Pay & Accounts Offices after receiving the employee’s data in the softcopy as per specified format along with the printed copy of the Bill.

Sd/-H. K. Dwivedi
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

No. 9368-F dated 20.11.2012

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