
Method of Appearing Recruitment Examination conducted by PSC

Public Service Commission, Public Works, 👁️ 251

Issuance of N.O.C. in favour of incumbents applying through proper channel/ intimation from the applicants to the employer for appearing in the recruitment Examination of P.S.C., West Bengal or other organisation for the post of Assistant Engineer or else.

Government of West Bengal
Public Works Department
Establishment Branch

No. 336(16)-E/1C-01/2012(Pt-II), Date: 12.2.13

From: The Additional Chief Engineer (H.Q), P.W.Dte.

To: The Superintending Engineer(Civil), P.W.Dte.

Sub: Issuance of N.O.C. in favour of incumbents applying through proper channel/ intimation from the applicants to the employer for appearing in the recruitment Examination of P.S.C., West Bengal or other organisation for the post of Assistant Engineer or else.

This is for information that while forwarding the application of any incumbent for the purpose of issuance of N.O.C. as stated in the subject, documents in support of requirement of doing such will be required. More to be added that documents in support of the same along with prescribed rules and norms of respective organisation also to be forwarded along with application duly supported with the relevant advertisement/ paper clippings. The application also required to be sent from the concerned Superintending Engineers/ Executive Engineers with clear recommendation of such along with undertaking from the employee as per W.B.S.R. Part – I and fulfillment of all requirements as per rules and norms. However, the consideration of prayer will depend subject to the approval of the Government.

It is also for information whether such applications from the incumbents are to the routed through proper channel whereas it is clearly stated in the F.D.’s No. 529-F; dt. 19.1.85 that incumbents may submit their application in the prescribed form direct to the P.S.C., West Bengal and they should immediately inform /intimate the Head of their offices/ Deptt’s giving details of the examinations/ post for which they have applied and the Deptt. will inform the Commission in case of with-holding the requisite permission otherwise communication with the Commission by the Deptt. is formal.

Additional Chief Engineer (H.Q)

No. 336-E dated 12.02.2013