
Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery – Duties & Responsibilities

Health, , 👁️ 311

Nurse Practitioner in midwifery will be responsible for promotion of health of women throughout their life cycle with special focus on adolescent childbearing years menopausal and their new born and children.

ANNEXURE- XII of No. HNG/742 dated 29.05.2013 regarding Revised Job Responsibility of Nursing Personnel under WBNS.


Nurse Practitioner in midwifery will be responsible for promotion of health of women throughout their life cycle with special focus on adolescent childbearing years menopausal and their new born and children. She will be responsible for providing care independently to woman prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, childbirth, after childbirth and care of newborn within the framework of health care services.

The Nurse Practitioner will practice within the existing peripheral health system consisting of doctors, specialist, skilled birth attendants like Staff Nurses and auxiliary nurse midwives where no obstetricians are present & she will be accountable to the Chief Medical Officer of Health of the concerned district.

She will be provided all types of facilities for implementation of various program i.e. furnished office computer with internet connection & printer, telephone facilities with fax, vehicle and ancilliary staff.

Nurse Practitioner is available for 24 hours in the centre for emergency Obstetrical Care & Services.


1. She will take administrative and technical support from the Chief Medical Officer of Health in emergency.

2. She will maintain working relationship with DMCHO, DPHNO, BPHN and PHIN.

3. She will help the mother to avail facilities of Janani Sishu Surakshya Yojona and other ongoing National Health Programme.

f. Refer to FRU if required.

7. She will counsel antenatal woman on

I. Birth preparedness
II. Nutrition
III. Rest and sleep
IV. Complication readiness related to support person who will present during her delivery or accompany during transfer if needed, vehicle to reach the institution during delivery and during transport to fru and money.
V. Feeding of baby
VI. Family planning.
VII. She will identify high risk pregnancy and takes as per guidelines.

8. She will carry out laboratory test e.g

a. Pregnancy test
b. Hb% test
c. Urine examination.
d. Preparation of papsmear

9. She will assess progress of labour by maintaining partograph.

10. She will conduct normal delivery and manage all the stages of labour.

11. She will identify complications arises during delivery and after delivery and will take steps as per guideline.

12. She will give intravenous infusion if necessary.

13. She will prescribe life saving drugs e.g. Magnesium Sulphate, Syntocinon, Misoprostol as per protocol.

14. She will give episiotomy and repair and she also repair minor perineal tears.

15. She will use local anesthesia while giving episiotomy, repairing episiotomy and minor perineal tear.

16. She will use vacuum extraction to expedite delivery when indicated.

17. She will use outlet forceps to expedite delivery when indicated.

18. She will conduct Breech delivery.

19. She will provide immediate newborn care.

20. She will resuscitate newborn if needed.

21. She will help women for initiation breast feeding and prevention of hypothermia through Kangaroo Mother Care.

22. She will provide immediate care to women just after delivery i.e. in puerperium.

23. She will take immediate management if PPH occurs.

24. She will practice effective infection control measures by maintaining and waste-management.

25. She will provide family planning services including emergency contraceptive pills and alternative method of I.U.C.D.

26. She will practice Manual Vacuum Aspiration for termination early pregnancy.

27. She will provide immunization services.

28. She will help to promote women’s health during non-childhearing period by early detection of Gynaecological problems.

29. She will give special focus on reproductive tract infections by syndromic case management.

30. She will actively participate in centrally sponsored scheme like SBA, NSSK and IMNCI.

31. The nurse practitioner in midwifery will refer all cases beyond her capability to the higher level health care facility after providing life saving measures.


  1. She will perform evidence based research on maternal and child care.
  2. She will help in advocacy in maternal and child health.

Director of Health Services & E.O.S,
Deptt. Of Health & Family Welfare,
West Bengal.

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