Payment from Local Fund/ Personal Ledger/ Deposit A/c by online mode and Transfer of fund to Bank Account for Taxes and Statutory Duties.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 5103-F(Y) Dated: 27th September, 2016
Sub: Payment from Local Fund/ Personal Ledger/ Deposit A/c by online mode and Transfer of fund to Bank Account for Taxes and Statutory Duties
“On-Line Payment Module” for the Authorities of Local Fund Account, Personal Ledger Account, Deposit Account to make payment out of those Accounts maintained in Treasuries/ PAOs has been introduced in IFMS vide Finance Department Memorandum No. 8060-F(Y) dated 26.11.2015.
“On-Line Payment Module” covers 2 (Two) types of payment modes: –
a) ECS payment for direct payment into the Bank Account of intended Beneficiary.
b) Cheque Payment- allowed only in some exceptional cases as specifically mentioned in the G.O. quoted above. However, the preparation and submission of advice for such cheques are required to be processed through the “On-Line Payment Module” only.
Furthermore, all payments out of Deposit Account/ Local Fund/ PL Account are to be mandatorily credited directly to the bank account of beneficiaries vide this department Memorandum No. 1984-F(Y) dated 07.04.2016 read with Memo No. 3533-F(Y) dated 04 07.2016. Concurrence of Finance Department, Group T is required in case of any transfer of fund from Deposit Account and Local Fund Account to own Bank account of the organisations/ Local Bodies/ Corporations under unavoidable circumstances except for the conditions mentioned in sub para (i) and (ii) of para 3 of Memo No. 1984-F(Y) dated 07.04.2016.
However, no concurrence of Gr-T will be required for transfer of fund from the Deposit Account/ Local Fund/ PL Account to the Bank A/c of such organisations on account of Taxes and Statutory duties like TDS /TCS/Labour Cess, etc arising for payment of Bills made from such Deposit Account/ Local Fund/ PL Account.
In order to give the Authorities time to be conversant and acquainted with the procedures of “On-Line Payment Module”, the manual process of preparation and submission of Cheques by the authorities concerned was not discontinued so far.
Now, after considering all aspects of “On-Line Payment Module” introduced for the use of Authorities of Local Fund Account, Personal Ledger Account and Deposit Account, Governor is pleased to order that such “On-Line Payment Module” introduced vide Memorandum No. 8060-F(Y) dated 26.11.2015 will take effect mandatorily w.e.f 01.10.2016 with the cessation of manual process from the same date.
Necessary amendment of West Bengal Treasury Rules, 2005 will be made in due course.
Sd/- H.K.Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal