Government of West Bengal
Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms
Administrative Reforms Cell
State Secretariat, ‘NABANNA’, 7th floor
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Shibpur, Howrah-711102
No. 213(Scheme)-PAR(AR)/O/3M-29/2012 Dated, Howrah, the 31st day of July, 2015
Sub: Guidelines for submission of Projects/ Schemes for up-gradation of Administrative Infrastructure in Districts/ Sub-divisions.
The Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department is responsible for making allotment of fund for the development and up-gradation of the administrative infrastructure in the districts and sub-divisions of West Bengal. At present, on obtaining proposals of these schemes from the District Magistrates, this Department accords administrative approval to the scheme(s) in the first phase and in the second phase, necessary fund is allotted towards these schemes on receipt of reports/ documents on completion of the tender procedure and selection of the executing agency from the respective district authorities.
It has been observed that a number of these proposals are not submitted with requisite papers. Even, arithmetical mistakes in the estimate have been found on few occasions.
To remove these problems which result in delay in clearing the proposals, following guidelines have been framed for smooth disposal of the relevant proposals:
(A) For Administrative Approval:
- The schemes must be related to the construction, repair or renovation of administrative and residential buildings used for official purposes in the district Head Quarters and sub-divisional Head Quarters levels. The Department is not authorised to accord administrative approval for any other type of building /structure like Circuit House, Treasury, Court, Correctional Homes, Hospitals etc. Allotment of fund for purchase of furniture and fixtures, computers and other accessories is also beyond the scope of this Department.
- Proposal for each scheme located at different sites should be submitted separately under separate forwarding letters.
- Several schemes in a single building should be merged into one. But, proposals for civil and electrical works are to be submitted separately.
- Estimates for all the works (civil, electrical, sanitary & plumbing and any other) related to a scheme are to be submitted at a time for obtaining administrative approval towards the scheme.
- A report containing the detailed information of the scheme should be submitted as per Annex – A, in duplicate.
- Estimate in respect of the scheme must be prepared on the basis of current P.W.D. schedule of rates and vetted by the appropriate authority (Chief /Superintending /Executive /Assistant Engineer concerned) and be countersigned by the District Magistrate of the respective district or the Head of the Offices (for the attached Offices of the Department or Commissioners of Divisions).
- If any construction is proposed to be made on acquired land, the details of land are to be reported in the proposal along with its proper identification and land-schedule accompanied by a map.
(B) For Release of Fund:
- Necessary fund will be allotted on receipt of documents /report towards completion of the tender procedure and selection of the agency by the implementing agency and duly recommended by the district authority or the respective Heads of Offices as stated above in A(6). Such reports on proposals for release of fund must be accompanied with a copy /copies of the Work Order and a report containing the detailed information of the scheme as per Annex – B, in duplicate.
- Utilisation Certificate (U.C.) for the previously sanctioned fund and Physical Progress Report of the scheme, in full or in part, should be furnished within 6 (six) months from the date of the drawal of the fund or immediately after completion of the work, whichever is earlier. U.C. must be in proper format (Annex – C), in duplicate with clear mention of unutilised fund, if any and surrendered fund mentioning the head of account (under which fund has been surrendered) therein.
- If the amount of the fund sanctioned by the Government for a specific purpose and for a particular financial year is drawn by the concerned D.D.O. in full but could not be utilized in full or not at all, the same or balance should immediately be surrendered at the termination of the specific financial year and the copy of surrender certificate should be submitted before approaching this Department for further release of fund to enable us to have a complete picture.
- In case of non-drawal of the allotted fund, in full or in part, non-drawal certificate, as per Annex – C, under countersignature of the officer sub-allotting the fund to the executing authority (Chief Engineer wherein PWD acts as executing authority) must be furnished at the time of submission of proposal for further fund towards that /such particular scheme(s). Wherein, fund has been sub-allotted by the sub-allotting Officer but it could not be drawn from the Treasury, Non-drawal Certificate issued by the concerned Treasury Officer has to be furnished, in original.
- A report containing detailed information of the schemes for which fund has been allotted during the period from April to December of a financial year has to be submitted by the executing authority as per Annex – D within January. This will be required for meeting the queries of the Standing Committee of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly.
Strict adherence to the above stated guidelines is emphasized in public interest.
Sd/- M. K. Agarwal
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 213-PAR dated 31.07.2015