School Education, Para Teacher , Siksha Bandhu đī¸ 1083
All Para Teachers, VRP and Siksha Bandhus will now be engaged by the District Project Officer on the basis of the recommendation of a District Level Committee consisting of following members.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 091
NO: 886-SE (Pry)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 (Pt.II), Dated: 16.11.2010
The Government had for sometime been examining the present process of engagement of Para Teachers, VRP and Siksha Bandhus under Sarba Siksha Abhijan as serious complaints were received about the present system of yearly renewal of contract by the School Management Committee/ VEC and the actual mode of work and performance of such Para Teachers, VRP and Siksha Bandhus. Further in term of Finance Department observation under their U.O. No. Group-P 1429 dated 23-4-2010 such Para Teachers, VRP and Siksha Bandhus also need be engaged directly by the District Project Office.
2. After careful consideration of the matter it has now decided that all Para Teachers, VRP and Siksha Bandhus will now be engaged by the District Project Officer on the basis of the recommendation of a District Level Committee consisting of following members:
a) District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate Nominated by the District Magistrate – Chairman.
b) Karmadhaksha Siksha-O-Sanskriti Tathya-O-Kreera Sthayee Samity of the Zilla Parishasd – Member
c) Chairman, DPSC – Member
d) District Inspector of Schools (SE) – Member
e) District Inspector of Schools (PE) – Member
f) District Project Officer, SSM – Member Convener
3. The above Committee will recommend the existing Para Teachers, VRPs and Siksha Bandhus after due verification of their records, date of birth, educational qualifications and other relevant particulars.
4. In terms of the observations of Finance Department order under their U/O No. 1429 Gr.-‘P’ dated 23-4-2010 and in continuation of this Department NO SE (P)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 dated 9-6-2010 it is further ordered that all Para Teachers, VRPs and Siksha Bandhus now working on contractual basis under the PBSSM will be engaged by the Government through the District Project Officer, Sarba Siksha Mission as per procedure laid down at Para-‘2’ hereinabove and will continue to remain so engaged under contractual basis till attainment of the age of 60 years.
5. There will, however, be an annual system of objective appraisal of their performance through an Open Performance Report (OPR) as per format to be prepared and circulated by the State Project Director, Sarba Siksha Mission, West Bengal keeping in mind the duties and responsibilities of the Para Teachers, VRPs and Siksha Bandhus as laid down at the Annexure-I to this Order. Such annual OPRs will be initiated in case of Para Teachers by the Head Master/ Teacher in Charge of the school where he/ she is posted, reviewed by the S.I. /A.I. at CLRC level and accepted by the DPO. In case of VRPs and Siksha Bandhus such OPRs will be initiated by the S.I. /A.I. at the CLRC level, reviewed by the DPOs and accepted by the District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate concerned.
6. It has also been decided that engagement of such Para Teachers, VRPs, and Siksha Bandhus may continue as such even after the project of Sarba Siksha Abhijan is winded up by Govt. of India on the same terms and conditions as prevalent before winding up of the project. After being discharged on attainment of 60 years of age of the Para Teachers, Siksha Bandhu and VRPs will be paid a lump sum amount of Rs. 1 lakh only as one time payments as token of their service rendered in connection with education of Primary & Upper Primary stages for at least a period of 10 (ten) years.
7. However, before effecting contractual engagement of those employees the District Level Committee as provided under para-2, will send recommended lists of all such Para Teacher, Siksha Bandhu and Voluntary Resource Persons duly prepared by them to the School Education Department through the State Project Director, SSM for its approval. All District Magistrates as Chairman of the committee are therefore, requested to prepare the lists as per proforma given at Annexture -II to this Order and send the same to this department through State Project Officer SSM for obtaining the approval before actual signing of contract. Details of the terms of the Agreement will be sent you in due course.
This is in continuation of this office orders issued under No. 273-SE(P)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 and dated 23.04.2010 and No. 376-SE(P)/PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 dated 09.06.2010 and issues with the instructions of Finance (Audit) Department as intimated under their U/O No. 3985 Gr. P (Service) dt. 09.11.2010.
Sd/- V. Sen
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal