Procurement of DSC can be made from any of the licensed Certifying Agencies of CCA, DEIT, Government of India and payment of fees/ charges for such procurement should be within the overall financial power delegated to the various level of officers.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 3666-F(Y) Dated, 14th July, 2014
State Government’s attention has been drawn to the problem being faced of late by the Departments and offices to get Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from NICCA, the only agency from which procurement of DSC was authorised vide FD notification no. 3739-F(Y) dt. 3.5.2012.
It has been suggested by the E-tender core committee of the State Government that the issue can be resolved if Administrative Departments and State Government offices are authorised to procure the DSC from other Certifying Agencies licensed for the purpose by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA), Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEIT), under Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India.
Therefore, the Governor is pleased to authorise procurement of DSC from any of the licensed Certifying Agencies of CCA, DEIT, Government of India, and delegate to the various levels of officers the financial power of payment of fees/ charges for procurement of the DSC from such licensed certifying agencies within the overall financial power delegated in FD memo no. 5320-F(Y) dt. 22.6.2012.
This order issues in partial modification of notification no. 3739-F(Y) dt. 3.5.2012 and item no. 29(f) of Schedule A under Rule 18 of DFPR, 1977, inserted vide notification no. 5320-F(Y) dt. 22.6.2012 and as amended vide memo. no. 1221-F(Y) dt. 4.3.2014 to the extent of procurement of DSC from the licensed certifying agencies of CCA, instead of from NIC only, and payment of fees for the DSC.
The list of such licensed CA’s is available at the CCA website address of
Sd/-H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal