Finance, Family Pension đī¸ 532
Governor is pleased to decide that to receive family pension, the age limit of the minor children (both son and daughter) be raised to 25 years.
Finance Department
Audit Branch
“Hemanta Bhawan” (Top Floor)
12, B.B.D. Bag (East)
No. 1097-F (Pen) Dated: Kolkata, the 18th June, 1991
Subject: Raising the age limit of minor children for receiving the benefit of family pension.
In terms of rule 104 of WBS (DCRB) Rules, 1971 a minor son is entitled to receive family pension upto the age of 18 years and a minor daughter upto the age of 21 years or till her marriage whichever is earlier.
These orders shall be deemed to have taken effect from 1st April, 1981.
Sd/- S.K. Chakrabarty
O.S.D. & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department