
Ceiling of Rates for Hiring Vehicles in West Bengal

Transport, 👁️ 4211

Maximum 10 KM between the garage and the place of reporting or one hour’s hiring charges whichever is convenient to the owner of the vehicle may be allowed.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001

No. 3564-WT/3M-81/98 Date: 24.11.2008


In exercise of powers conferred by clause (i) of sub- section (1) of Section 67 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act 59 of 1988) and in supersession of all previous notifications issued from time to time in this regard including earlier Notification No. 2610-WT/3M-81/98 dt 13.06.2005 of this Department, the Governor having regard to clause (a), (b), (c) and (d) of subsection (1) of Section 67 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, has been pleased hereby to issue the following directions relating to the fixation of ceiling of rates of hiring of Motor Cabs (Popularly known as Luxury Taxi), Maxi Cabs and other Contract Carriage Vehicles including Tourist Omni Bus plying within the State of West Bengal with effect from 01.12.2008.


The ceiling of rates of hiring of Motor Cabs (Luxury Taxi), Maxi Cabs and other Contract Carriage Vehicles including Tourist Omni Bus plying within the State of West Bengal shall be as shown in the Schedule given below:-


Sl. No.Mass Emission Standard (2)Category of Vehicles (3)Casual hiring (4) (in Rupees)Monthly hiring (5) (Per day)Remarks (6)
Per Km. (a)Per hour (b)
1.Bharat Stage-II BS-III purchased on or after 01.05.2005 with Diesel/ L.P.G/ CNG Engine.Motor Cab & Maruti Omni (Standard) (Non Air- Conditioned12.0070.00465.00Monthly rate is for 10 hours a day and additional charge @ Rs. 20.00 per hour beyond 10 hours. Fuel allowed for monthly hiring is 1 litre per 12 K.M. in case of Motor cab, Maruti Omni and 1 Litre for 10 Km in case of Maxi Cab other than Maruti Omni. Mobile oil @ 5 litres per 2500 Km run. Rate for casual hiring is inclusive of fuel and all other charges, Minimum rate of hiring will be the rate for 4 hours.
Maxi Cab & (Non ­Air- conditioned)12.0070.00490.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine capacity Less than or Equal to 2000 CC (Air Condition)14.00110.00495.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine capacity More than 2000 CC (with Air Condition)15.00120.00575.00
2Bharat Stage-III purchased on or after 01.05.2008 with Deisel/ L.P.G/ CNG Engine.Motor Cab & Maruti Omni (Standard) (Non Air-Conditioned)13.0075.00475.00Monthly rate is for 10 hours a day and additional charge @ Rs. 20 00 per hour beyond 10 hours. Fuel allowed for monthly hiring is 1 litre per 12 K.M. in case of Motor cab, Maruti Omni and 1 Litre for 10 km in case of Maxi Cab other than Maruti Omni Mob oil @ 5 litres per 2500 km run. Rate for casual hiring is inclusive of fuel and all other charges Minimum rate of hiring will be the rate for 4 hours.
Maxi Cab & (Non Air-Conditioned)13.0080.00490.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine Capacity Less than of Equal to 2000 C.C. with (Air- Conditioned)15.00120.00525.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine Capacity More than to 2000 C.C. with (Air-Conditioned)16.00135.00590.00
3Others vehicles (not included under Sl. No. (1 &2) with Diesel/ L.P.G C.N.G EngineMotor Cab & Maruti Omni (Standard) (Non-Air- conditioned)10.0065.00445.00Monthly rate is for 10 hours a day and additional charge @ Rs. 20.00 per hour beyond 10 hours. Fuel allowed for monthly hiring is 1 litre for 12 K..M. in case of Motor Cab, Maruti Omni and 1 litre for 10 km in case of Maxi-Cab other than Maruti Omni Mobil Oil @ 5 litre per 2500 km run. Rate for casual hiring is inclusive of fuel and all other charges Minimum rate of hiring will be the rate for 4 hours
Maxi Cab (Non Air- Conditioned)10.0065.00460.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine capacity Less than or Equal to 2000 CC with (Air Condition)13.00110.00485.00
Motor Cab & Maxi Cab with Engine capacity More than 2000 CC (Air Conditioned)14.00120.00535.00
4All Types Tourist Bus/ Contract Carriagea) Having seating capacity for 13 to 27 persons excluding driver13.00
Non Air-Conditioned
Non Air-Conditioned
Rate is inclusive of fuel and all other charges. Minimum Charge shall be the charge for 4 hours
b) Having seating capacity for 28 to 32 persons excluding driver14.00
Non Air-Conditioned
Non Air-Conditioned
c) Having seating capacity beyond 33 persons excluding driver16.00
Non Air-Conditioned
Non Air-Conditioned
  1. The rates of hiring as shown above is the maximum rate at which a vehicle may be hired. There is no bar in hiring a vehicle at a rate lower than the ceiling of rates as shown above.
  2. Revised rates of hiring charges of above stated category of vehicles for casual hiring should be fixed either on the basis of Kilometers covered or on the basis of hours of use of vehicle whichever is higher subject to the minimum charges, as prescribed in the Schedule,
  3. Maximum 10 Kilometer between the garage of the vehicle and the place of reporting or one hour’s hiring charges (both way inclusive) whichever is convenient to the owner of the vehicle may be allowed,
  4. Only transport vehicle having valid Contract Carriage permit can be placed on hire,
  5. In case of hiring of a vehicle for more than 10 days in a month or hiring of vehicle in a regular manner the rate of hiring, should be on monthly rate on pro-rata basis,
  6. Vehicle to be hired by Government Departments/ Offices shall require prior concurrence, of Finance Department as usual. Express permission of the Finance Department shall also be required for hiring of vehicles of the categories of other than Noh- Air- Conditioned Motor Cab and Maruti Omni. Petrol driven vehicles should not be hired by Government Departments without the approval of the Finance Department.

This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. No. 510-Gr-‘R’ Dt 05.11.2008.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Sumantra Choudhury
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 3564-WT dated 24.11.2008

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