
Re-employment of Retired Person on Contract basis

Finance, 👁️ 839

Pay will be Rs. 10,000/- for Group ‘C’, Rs. 12,000/- for Group ‘B’ and Rs. 15,000/- for Group ‘A’ per month or the remuneration applicable to a reemployed employee as per rule.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 10935-F(P) Dated: 05.12.2011


In view of severe shortage in clerical staff/ field staff/ Extension Officers in District Block and Panchayat levels, filling up of at least key posts in those levels were under active consideration of Govt. for some time past. After careful consideration of the matter it has been decided to fill up vacancies in different categories and at different levels in the manner as detailed below from retired employees on contract basis on a consolidated contractual remuneration as follows:

Rs. 10,000/- for Group ‘C’, Rs. 12,000/- for Group ‘B’ and Rs. 15,000/- for Group ‘A’ per month or the remuneration applicable to a reemployed employee as per G.O. No. 3951-F dt. 27.05.2009 whichever is minimum.

1) Posts for which District Magistrate is the Appointing Authority:-

a) Clerical Posts:-

The vacancies in large Districts consisting of 15 blocks or more and small Districts with less than 15 blocks will be filled up as follows:-

Large Districts – 11×200 = 2200
Small Districts – 7×120 = 840
Kolkata Collectorate – 20
Total = 3060

In large districts with 15 or more blocks, 100 posts are to be filled in Collectorate and 100 in LR set up. In smaller districts 60 posts each are earmarked for Collectorate and LR set up.

b) Field Posts:-

DepartmentsDesignationNo. of Posts
Panchayat & Rural DevelopmentSAE (RWP)30
Panchayat & Rural DevelopmentNirman Sahayak700
Panchayat & Rural DevelopmentGP Secretary388
L & LR Deptt.Draftsman170
L & LR Deptt.Amin1038
Total 2801

2) Posts for which Deptt./ Dte. are appointing Authority:-

Posts at Block/ GP Level under Deptt./ Dte. will be filled up as follows:-

DepartmentsDesignationNo. of Posts
AgricultureAssistant Agriculture Extension Officer146
Panchayat & Rural DevelopmentPanchayat Development Officer59
Land & Land ReformsRevenue Inspector1462
Women & CD & SWBlock Welfare Officer118
Food & SuppliesSub-Inspector of Food1497
Total 3282

3) Mode of Recruitment.

a) Open advertisement seeking application from retired employees in the prescribed format giving 15 days notice is to be published in at least two newspapers one in English and one in Bengali having wide circulation.

b) A selection Committee would be constituted at District Level comprising of following Officials

i) An ADM to be nominated by District Magistrate as Chairperson.
ii) ADM & DL&LRO and
iii) A senior Officer from the Collectorate, preferably Sr. Deputy Collector or any other officer nominated by the District Magistrate as Member Secretary.

c) The Committee would verify the past service records of the employees/ Officer and interview them to verify their physical fitness and mental alertness. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, District Magistrate/ ADM & DL&LRO (as the case may be) will issue contract appointment for a period of 1 (one) year.

d) The Department/ Directorate would follow the same procedure as above for the posts for which they are the appointing authority. A similar recruitment committee would be set up at State Level for processing the cases of re-employment.

e) The Department would issue detailed guidelines from their end to the respective appointing authorities laying down the modalities of recruitment for filling up the posts as mentioned here in above.

Sd/- Joint Secretary

No. 10935-F dated 05.12.2011