
Reconstitution of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board


WHEREAS the term of office of the members, representing employers and employees in the West Bengal Labour Welfare Board.

Labour Department
LW/MW Branch
N.S. Buildings, Block A, 12th Floor,
1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700001

No. Labr/312/(LC-LW/MW) Dated, Kolkata the 8th September, 2022


WHEREAS the term of office of the members, representing employers and employees in the West Bengal Labour Welfare Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) constituted under this Department’s Notification No. Labr/694/(LC-LW/MW)/LW/3A-01/16 dated 28th September, 2016 already expired;

NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of Section-4 of the West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1974 (hereinafter referred to as the said act) and in cancellation of the previous Gazette Notifications Labr-1880/(LC-LW/MW) dated 5th October, 2021 published on 5th October, 2021 & Notification No. Labr/282/(LC-LW/MW) dated 12th August, 2022, the Governor is hereby pleased to reconstitute the Board with the following composition:

Sl. No.MemberPost
1.Sri Moloy Ghatak, Minister-in-Charge, Labour Department Government of West Bengal and Chairman, West Bengal Labour Welfare BoardChairman
2.Addl. Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary, Labour Department, Government of West BengalEx-Officio Member
3.Welfare Commissioner, West Bengal Labour Welfare BoardEx-Officio Member Secretary & Convenor
4.Confederation of Indian Industries (Eastern Region), 6, N.S. Road. Kolkata-700001Sri Swarup Panda
Email- Swarup.panda@itc.in
5.The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, 6, N.S. Road, Kolkata-700001Member
Soma Mitra
6.Bengal National Chamber of Commerce and Industries, 23, R.N. Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700001Member
Sri Somnath Bhar
Mob.: 9831691245
Email: 19bhara@gmail.com
7.Indian Chamber of Commerce, India Exchange, 4 India Exchange Place, Kolkata- 700001Member
Smt. Barnali Chakraborty
Email- soma.mukherji@indianchamber.net
8.Indian Jute Mill Association, 6, N.S. Road, Kolkata-700001Member
Sri Raghavendra Gupta, Chairman,
Email: chairman@ijma.org
9.Consultative Committee of Plantation Associations, 6, N.S. RoadMember
Sri Arijit Raha, Secretary General
Mob.: 9830550391
10.Indian National Trinamul Trade Union Congress (I.N.T.T.U.C.), Trinamul Bhawan. 36/G, Topsia Road, Koikata-700003Member
Nakul Sonar, PO-Birpura, Dist.-Alipurduar, Pin-735204,
Mob : 8597703453
Email: nakulsonar46@gmail.com
11.Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), West Bengal Committee, Shramik Bhawan, 53 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-700016Member
Sri Tarun Bharadwaj, Shramik Bhawan, West Bengal Committee
Email: tarunbharadwaj57@gmail.com
Mob.: 9830250022
12.Indian National Trade Unions Congress (I.N.T.U.C.), 2, Haji Mohammad Mohasin Square, Kolkata- 700016Member
Sri Ganesh Sarkar, 41, B, Kabitirtha Sarani, Khidirpur, Kolkata-700023
Mob: 9830131264
13.All India Trade Union Congress (A.I.T.U.C.) West Bengal Committee, 50/1, Nirmal Chandra Street, Kolkata-12Member
Smt Leena Chaterjee
14.U.T.U.C. Central Office, 249, B.B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata-700001Member
Sri Ashok Ghosh
Email: utuc@redifmail.com
15.National Federation of Jute WorkersMember
Sri Jyotirmoy Chatterjee, President, 9874803112
16.Smt. Smita Bakshi, Ex-MLA, 12A, Balaram Dey Street, Kolkata-700006Member
9830667489/ 943303749
Email: smitabakshi.in@gmail.com
17.Sri Baiswanar Chattapadhyay, Councilor, Ward No. 91, KMCMember
 64B Kankulia Road, Kolkata-7000299831769177
18.Sri Soham Chakraborty, MLA & ActorMember
19.Sri Bidesh Ranjan Bose, MLA, Uluberia Purba and Former FootballerMember
Email: bideshrbose@gmail.com
20.Tarun Chatterjee, Advocate, Kolkata High Court9830236211
21.Sri Dipankar Laha, Councillor, Durgapur Municipal CorporationMember
22.Labour Commissioner, West Bengal, New Secretariat Buildings, 11th Floor, 1, K.S. Roy Road, Kolkata-700001Member

This Notification will take immediate effect.

By order of the Governor,

Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. Labr-312 dated 08.09.2022, Source

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