
Renewal of DSC from M/s CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd.

Finance, , 👁️ 409

Governor is pleased to authorize M/s CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd., an authorized agent of M/s eMudhra Consumer Services Ltd., to renew DSCs on or before expiry of their validity.

Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department

No. 6138-F(Y) Dated, Howrah the 28th November, 2016


Finance Department, Government of West Bengal procured Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) along with USB token (dongle) from M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd., an authorized agent of M/S eMudhra Consumer Services Ltd., one of the licensed CA of CCA, Deptt. of Electronics and Information Technology, GoI for Departmental users and DDOs which had been distributed in phases since December, 2014. DSCs so distributed had validity of 2 years from the date of downloading the same in USB token and renewable thereafter.

Now, questions have been raised from various corners regarding use of DSC after expiry of validity as its use has been made mandatory in various modules of IFMS and other purposes.

Therefore, the Governor is hereby pleased to authorize M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd., an authorized agent of M/S eMudhra Consumer Services Ltd., one of the licensed CA of CCA, Deptt. of Electronics and Information Technology, GoI to renew DSCs on or before expiry of their validity without or with USB token depending on the physical condition of the USB token as per following rates, terms & conditions.

a. Rate

DescriptionBasic Rate in Rs.Taxes
Class II SHA-256 Digital Signature Certificate without USB token290/-As applicable
Class II SF1A-256 Digital Signature Certificate with USB token490/-As applicable

This rate will remain valid for next 2 years from the date of this order.

b. Payment

All payments are required to be made in favour of CRG CORPORATE SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED by DSC users by cash or through direct credit to the agency’s account with State Bank of India, Account No. 33196379601, IFSCode SBIN0001888, Mobile no. 9339529341 against bills submitted by M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. to DSC users after supply. Payment made by cash would be immediately acknowledged by M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. by furnishing money receipts and the DSC user would be able to get reimbursement of the amount paid from allotted fund against budget head.

c. Eligibility

The users of DSCs who have been issued DSCs from the month of December, 2014 onwards in phases are eligible to renew their DSCs immediately before the respective date of expiry of validity of DSCs.

d. Acceptance of form & delivery of DSCs in District Treasury

DSC users of the respective district would submit duly filled, signed and authorized application forms in prescribed proforma at District HQ Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office and M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. would collect filled in application forms from Treasuries and deliver DSC at District HQ Treasury/ Pay & Accounts Office on prescheduled dates with due intimation to the concerned Treasury Officer/ Pay & Accounts Officer. The proforma of application with guidelines is attached as Annexure-I.

DSC could be also be renewed by M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. for users holding Aadhar card with correct personal particulars through Aadhar database validation without submission of application forms.

e. Post supply service

M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. would render all services related to DSC, USB token for further period of 2 years from the date of downloading renewed DSC.

Following action plan and role of all concerned are laid down for smooth completion of the renewal process.

1. M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. would send system based mail, SMS to DSC users well in advance informing them about expiry of validity period of DSCs.

2. M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. would draw up a date wise plan for each district by deploying the manpower to concerned District Treasury equipped with Laptop, biometric scanning device for collecting application forms, Aadhar details and downloading DSCs in USB token of the users at least few days in advance before expiry of validity of the DSCs of respective users.

M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. would deploy adequate manpower in PAO-I & II, PAO-III & Bidhannagar Treasury uninterruptedly equipped with all above atleast for next 3 months to complete the renewal process.

3. Treasury Officers would provide office space and other infrastructure like internet connection, computer (if requested) to deployed manpower of M/S CRG Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd. and also intimate the users of DSC under their control directly and users of DSCs of outline sub-divisions through concerned Treasury Officers to visit District Treasury/PAO on scheduled date with duly filled in application form.

4. Treasury Officers/ PAO would authorize and approve the renewed DSC following same procedure as done earlier and administrator at DTA would approve the same if the authorization would be done after the date of expiry of validity of DSC.

If the authorization of DSC would be done few days before the date of expiry of validity of DSC, the same would be first deregistered from ‘Manage the authorize customer’ sub-menu in DSC Administration menu of IFMS Portal and then the renewed DSC would be authorized following the same procedure of authorization and approval at Treasury/ PAO & DTA level respectively.

5. The date schedules and other instructions would be sent to concerned Treasuries/ PAOs in due course by e-Governance group, Finance Department.

Sd/- Principal Secretary
Finance Department
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 6138-F dated 28.11.2016, Application Form, Source

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