
Revised Bed Entitlement after ROPA 2019 under WBHS

Finance, , 👁️ 136

Governor is pleased to prescribe the entitlement of accommodation for indoor treatment in different Hospitals including the Government Hospitals and Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat to the beneficiaries under WBHS after ROPA-2019

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No. 128-F(MED)WB Dated: 29/11/2021


In cancellation of F.D. Memorandum No. 28-F(MED) WB dated 14/02/2020, the Governor is pleased to prescribe the entitlement of accommodation for indoor treatment in different Hospitals including the Government Hospitals and Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat to the beneficiaries under WBHS on the basis of revised Basic Salary/ Pension due to implementation of ROPA-2019 in the following manner:

Sl NoCategory of BeneficiaryRevised range of Basic SalaryRevised range of Basic PensionType of Accommodation
1IRs. 1,50,000/- & moreRs. 75,000/- & morePay Bed in Govt. Hospitals: Single Occupancy Large Cabin Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat: Private Bed Other Private Empanelled HCOs: Private Room/ Private Cabin/ Private Bed
2IIRs. 69,390/- & above but less than Rs. 1,50,000/-Rs. 34,695/- & above but less than Rs. 75,000/-Pay Bed in Govt. Hospitals: Single Occupancy small Cabin Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat: General Bed Other Private Empanelled HCOs: Private Room/ Private Cabin/ Private Ward
3IIIRs. 46,260/- & above but less than Rs. 69,390/-Rs. 23,130/- & above but less than Rs. 34,695/-Pay Bed in Govt. Hospitals: Double Occupancy Large Cabin Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat: General Bed Other Private Empanelled HCOs: Semi- Private Ward
4IVLess than Rs. 46,260/-Less than Rs. 23,130/-Pay Bed in Govt. Hospitals: Double Occupancy Large Cabin Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat: General Bed Other Private Empanelled HCOs: General Ward

This has the approval of the Principal Secretary, Finance Department.

Sd/- M.R. Dey
OSD & Ex-Officio joint Secretary
Finance Department

No. 128-F dated 29.11.2021, Source