Revision of pay scales of Stenographers having various nomenclatures such as Junior Stenographer, Senior Stenographer, Personal Assistant, Personal Secretary etc.
Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch
No. 3925-F(P), Dated: 10.05.2012.
Consequent upon recommendation of the Pay Committee constituted vide Finance Deptt. Resolution No. 8349-F dated 10.11.2008, the question of upward revision of the pay scales for the posts of Stenographers having various nomenclatures such as Junior Stenographer, Senior Stenographer, Personal Assistant, Personal Secretary etc. as are in existence in the State-aided Universities in West Bengal, has been under active consideration of the Government for sometime past.
2. After careful consideration of the matter the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Government has been pleased to prescribe the following four (4) different pay structure for four (4) different grades of Stenographers of the State-aided Universities with effect from 01.01.2006 provided the essential qualification for the basic grade post is made Graduate with the speed of 80 and 30 words per minute in Stenography and typing respectively and proficiency in English Composition and Spoken English.
Sl. No.
Name of the Post
Revised Pay Structure
Grade Pay (Rs.)
Name of the Pay Band (Rs.)
Pay Band Scales (Rs.)
Junior Stenographer (Basic Post)
PB – 2
7200 – 25400
Senior Stenographer (1st Promotional Post)
PB – 3
9000 – 28300
Personal Assistant (2nd Promotional Post)
PB – 3
9000 – 28300
Personal Secretary (3rd Promotional Post)
PB – 3
9000 – 28300
3. No. of posts in different grades of Stenographers as mentioned in para-2 above shall be decided by the individual University with effect from 01.01.2006 onwards on strict observance of the existing ratio 6.5:6.5:2:1 by taking into account as posts of Stenographers as mentioned in para-1 above. At the same time each University will re-designate the posts of Stenographers accordingly, where necessary, by suitable amendment of the relevant provisions in the statute of the University.
4. For movement to the first promotional post a basic grade Stenographer (Junior Stenographer) would/ will have to be confirmed with at least three (3) years satisfactory service in the basic grade. However for movement to the second and the third promotional post successful completion of one (1) year’s (satisfactory service) in the immediate previous grade will be necessary.
5. The employee holding the posts of Stenographer as mentioned in para-1 who were in service on 31.12.2005 and continued thereafter shall be allowed to exercise fresh option for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in terms of provisions of para-4 of F.D. Memo No. 10570-F(P) dated 25.11.2009 and their pay will be fixed in accordance with the provisions of para-5 of F.D. Memo No. 10570-F(P) dated 25.11.2009 directly in the revised pay structure of the admissible grade as mentioned in para-2 on the basis of the existing unrevised pay as on 01.01.2006.
6. The fixation of pay of the incumbent in the manner provided herein above is effective notionally from 01.01.2006 with actual effect from 01.04.2008.
Sd/- A.K. Das Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal