Revision of Pension/ Family Pension – Revised Format
Finance, 6th Pay Commission , Family Pension , Pension , ROPA 👁️ 464
Governor is pleased to introduce the revised format of Annexure-I, II, & III annexed herein for smooth functioning of all concerned viz. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners, Pension Sanctioning Authorities and Pension Disbursing Authorities.
Finance Department (Pension Branch)
Writers’ Buildings, Block-IV, 2nd Floor Kolkata – 700 001
No. 660-F (Pen) Dated Kolkata, 16th the December, 2019
Sub: Introduction of Revised Format of Annexure-I, II and III issued in terms of Notification No. 536-F (Pen) dated- 1st October, 2019
Finance Department Vide Notification No. 536-F (Pen) Dated- 01.10.2019 issued the guidelines for Revision of Pension/ Family Pension/ Gratuity and Commutation of Post 01.01.2016 Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2020. As per the said notification, the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners shall apply before the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) in Annexure-I for revision of their Pension/ Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2020 as per ROPA, 2019. Similarly the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) shall sanction the Revised Pension, Family Pension, Revised Gratuity and Commuted Value of Pension (if any) in the format in Annexure-II/ III (as applicable).
References have been received from various Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) as well as Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDA) for modification of the Annexure-I, II & III as the existing Annexure issued vide Notification No. 536-F(Pen) Dated- 01.10.2019 lack some information which are important for the purpose of smooth sanction of pension/ family pension.
Accordingly the Governor is pleased to introduce the revised format of Annexure-I, II, & III annexed herein for smooth functioning of all concerned viz. Pensioners/ Family Pensioners, Pension Sanctioning Authorities and Pension Disbursing Authorities.
All other modalities as contained in Notification No. 536-F(Pen) dated- 01.10.2019 shall remain unchanged. The existing formats of Annexure-I, II & III issued vide Notification No. 536-F(Pen) dated-01.10.2019 are hereby stand cancelled.
Sd/- S. K. Ghosh
O.S.D & Ex-Officio Joint Secretary
to the Govt. of West Bengal
No. 660-F dated 16.12.2019, Source
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