
Rules for the Award of Satyendra Puraskar, 2011

Science and Technology and Biotechnology, , 👁️ 195

Governor was pleased to introduce with effect from 1993 an annual prize named Satyendra Puraskar to be awarded every year to an individual who is adjudged the best popular Science Writer in Bengali for the year.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Science & Technology,
Bikash Bhavan (4th Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091

No: 1126/ST/P/S&T/12G-25/2011 Date: 12/08/11


The Governor is pleased to formulate the following rules for the State Award named Satyendra Puraskar.


On the occasion of celebration of birth centenary of Late Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose, in terms of notification No. 2741/1M-21/91 dated. 20.10.92 of the Department of Science & Technology and N.E.S., the Governor was pleased to introduce with effect from 1993 an annual prize named “Satyendra Puraskar” to be awarded every year to an individual who is adjudged the best popular Science Writer in Bengali for the year. The prize money for “Satyendra Puraskar” is Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty thousand) only with a certificate of Honour and plaque.


2. The “Satyendra Puraskar” is to be awarded every year to an individual who is adjudged the best popular writer on Science & Technology in Bengali of the year and whose writing is found suitable only for “boys and girls up to the age of 18 years”.

3. For judging an individual for the award, his/her work first published during a period of 5 (five) years before the 1st January of the year for which the prize is meant, will be considered.

4. For the purpose of the award, Scientific subject shall include Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Agriculture, Geology, Zoology, Physiology, Medical Science, Anthropology, Engineering and Technology, Social Sciences and similar other subjects of methodical knowledge.


5. Each of the following organizations will be called SELECTOR

i. Calcutta University
ii. Jadavpur University
iii. Rabindra Bharati University
iv. Burdwan University
v. Kalyani University
vi. North Bengal University
vii. Vidyasagar University
viii. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Visva Vidyalaya
ix. Visva Bharati University
x. Bose Institute, Calcutta
xi. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta
xii. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta
xiii. Indian Association for the cultivation of Science, Calcutta
xiv. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta
xv. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Calcutta
xvi. Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah
xvii. Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur
xviii. Indian Science Congress Association, 14, Biresh Guha Street, Cal – 17
xix. Bangiya Vigyan Parishad, P-23, B. B. D. Bag, Calcutta – 1
xx. Paschimbanga Vigyan Manch, 12, B.B.D. Bag, Calcutta – 1
xxi. Science Association of Bengal, 104, Diamond Harbour Road, Cal – 8
xxii. Indian Science News Association, 92, A.P.C. Road, Calcutta- 9
xxiii. Director of School Education, Government of West Bengal
xxiv. Director of National Library, Calcutta
xxv. State Central Library, West Bengal
xxvi. Director of Library Services, West Bengal
xxvii. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
xxviii. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
xxix. West Bengal Board of Primary Education
xxx. West Bengal State Book Board
xxxi. West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology
xxxii. Bangla Academy
xxxiii. State Council of Technical Education, West Bengal
xxxiv. All Teachers Association of West Bengal
xxxv. Science Writers who have received “Satyendra Puraskar” in the previous years.
xxxvi. Any other registered educational or science organization in West Bengal.
xxxvii. Science Writers who have received Rabindra Puroskar for popular science.


6. (a) Each of the SELECTORS, except the SELECTORS vide Rule-5, xxxv, may be requested to recommend at least one book published within the period specified in Rule-3 for consideration of the award.

(b) Any other registered educational or science organization in West Bengal vide Rule-5 xxxv may recommend a book published during the specified period provided the organization deposits ten (10) copies of recommended books.

7. A list of all the books recommended under Rule-6 will be prepared indicating name of books, authors publishers, year/date of publication and a remarks for views of members.


8. At least 10 copies of each of the books enlisted under Rule-7 except the books recommended and deposited under Rule-6 (b) will be purchased by the State Government for review by the award committee and preservation in department library.


9. (a) Government will constitute an Award Committee consisting of 7 (seven) persons to be selected by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of West Bengal. A designated officer of the department will act as Member Secretary of the committee.

(b) If under any circumstances a book written by any of the Award Committee member is recommended under rule-6 by the authorities/organizations under rule-5 and the book is listed under rule-7, in that case the concerned member shall have to be excluded from the committee and the remaining members shall be the Award Committee.


10. List of SELECTORS under Rule-5 along with recommendation of the SELECTORS will be submitted before the Award Committee. All the books enlisted under Rule-7 will be placed before each member to the Award Committee.

11. The award committee will satisfy itself that the procedure laid down in the rules has been duly observed. The Award Committee may waive a bonafide error or omission if the procedure has not been materially affected by such error or omission.

12. Members of the Award Committee will held joint discussion on the merit of each of the books listed under rule-7 and placed before the committee under Rule-10 and each member will submit his/her recommendations for the award confidentially to the Government A member may submit nil recommendation, if he/she is of the opinion that none of the books deserves the award.

13. The author/authors of the book received recommendation of majority of the members of the Award Committee will be declared selected for the award. If there is no such majority no award shall be made for the year.

14. Books of the following categories shall not be considered for Satyendra Puraskar.

a) A book in manuscript.
b) A book written jointly by more than two authors.
c) A book written by any employee of DST, Government of West Bengal and any other organization under the administrative control of the DST
d) Any work admitted as a theme for an academic degree e.g. M.Phil, D.Phil, Ph.D., D. Litt., D.Sc. etc. or a work of translation.
e) An author who has received Satyendra Puruskar earlier.
f) A book for which Rabindra Memorial prize has been awarded.

15. The prize shall be divided if the book selected for the award is written jointly by two authors.

16. The prize will be awarded in cash/ cheque/ draft with a certificate of honour.

17. The award shall be published in the “Calcutta Gazettee”.

By order the Governor

Principal Secretary to the Govt. of W.B.

No. 1126-ST dated 12.08.2011, Source