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Special Casual Leave for attending Schools on Bandh/ Strike

School Education, , 👁️ 144

Teaching and Non-teaching staff of the Schools, who attended the date on which Bandh/ Strike call given by different Central Trade Unions, may avail of one day Special Casual leave.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
“Nivedita Bhawan”, DJ-8, Sec-II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091

Memo No. DS(ACA)/609 Date: 23.12.2015


To: The Heads of all State Govt. Grant-in-aid receiving Recognised Schools in West Bengal.

Sub.:- One day Special Casual Leave in the Calendar Year, 2015.

I am directed to state that in pursuance with the Finance Dept. No. 7390-F(P) dt. 13.10.2015 read with School Education Dept. No. 1010(4)-SE/S/2L-04/15 dt. 19.11.2015 it is hereby notified that the Teaching & Non-teaching staff of the Schools, who attended the School on 2nd September, 2015, the date on which Bandh/ Strike call given by different Central Trade Unions, may avail of one day Special Casual leave within 31st December, 2015.

Deputy Secretary (Academic)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

No. DS(ACA)/609 dated 23.12.2015