State Govt. Offices would remain Open on 02.09.2015 Bandh


No. 6501-F(P) Dated: 31-08-2015


In view of call given by different Trade Unions for bandh/strike all over the country on the 2nd September, 2015, it has been decided that all State Government offices including those provided with Grants-in-Aid by the State Government would remain open and all the employees should report for duty on that date. It has also been decided that no leave would be granted to any employee on the said date.

Now, the Governor has been pleased to decide that absence of employees on that date will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible unless such absence is covered by the grounds as mentioned in Finance Department Memorandum No. 2013-F(P) dt. 06.03.2012. All concerned Heads of Offices will take action accordingly following the procedure as mentioned in above memorandum.

All actions in terms of this order should be completed by 30th September, 2015 and compliance report on action taken should be sent to this department.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6501-F dated 31.08.2015, Source

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