

For every work initiated by, or connected with, the requirements of another department, it is first necessary to obtain the concurrence of the department concerned is termed as “administrative approval” of the work.

Withdrawal of Ceiling on AA Limit for all RIDF/ WIF Works

Governor is pleased to withdraw the Ceiling of Administrative Approval and Phasing for all RIDF/ WIF Heads of Account in AAFS module without limit restrictions.

Project Clearance Committee will examine before according AAFS

Project Clearance Committee (PCC) will examine the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and other Technical matters of the proposals before issuance of Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction.

Revised DFPR of Administrative Department for according AAFS

Governor is pleased to revise the delegated financial power of the Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary in charge of the Administrative Departments.

Incorporation of Non-Budgetary Source in AAFS Module of WBIFMS

Introduction of a facility to incorporate the proportion of project cost to be borne out of Non-Budgetary source(s) (Out of Budget Component) within total Project Cost in AAFS Module.

Change in Contract Amount due to Enhancement of GST

In all cases where work order is given inclusive of all taxes and there is no indication of rate of GST in tender document, there will be no scope of change of tendered value by enhancing the GST rate to 18% from 12%.

Acceptance of Tender by the Work Executing Departments on behalf of Non Works Departments

Chief Engineers of Works Executing Departments can accept tenders with at least 3 qualified bids on behalf of the requisitioning non-Works Departments upto any value with the approval of the Government appointed tender committee of the Executing Department itself.

Sanctioning Authority of Revised Administrative Approval

Delegating full power to Administrative Departments for according Revised Administrative Approval due to acceptance of rates upto 10% above without any change in scope of work.

Revision in Norms of AAFS in case of RIDF/ WIF Projects

System of sending the proposals sanctioned by NABARD to Finance Department for AAFS and also release of fund is discontinued.

Functionality for according “Advance Administrative Approval”

Governor is pleased to introduce a facility in AAFS Module of IFMS for according Advance Administrative Approval, so that departments may accord Advance Administrative Approval in this Financial Year, of a project to be taken up in Next Financial Year.

Facility in AAFS for Re-Phasing of Projects Exceeding the Budget Provision

Inadequate project planning may lead to increased project life cycle, cost overrun, sub optimal resource utilisation, Project failure and consequently may adversely affect the fiscal management and achievement of the overall goals of state.

Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction Module in IFMS

Henceforth, administrative approval and financial sanction to Projects shall be accorded through AAFS Module and release of funds shall also be Project-wise within the respective Heads of Accounts.

Advance Planning for Making Expenditure in Next FY

To ensure timely execution of different works an advance planning by the Departments is essential. The last quarter of a FY can be utilized for preparatory works including floating of tenders so that work orders can be issued in the first week of April of the next FY.

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