

For every work initiated by, or connected with, the requirements of another department, it is first necessary to obtain the concurrence of the department concerned is termed as “administrative approval” of the work.

Financial Power for according Administrative Approval

Governor has been pleased to enhance the limit of financial power of the Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary for administrative approval for any plan expenditure upto Rs. 20.00 Crore.

AA&FS must be endorsed with Allotment Orders

Reference of the G.O. under which the Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction was issued, should invariably be given in the Sanction-cum-Allotment order.

Sanction-cum-Allotment Order with G.O. for AA&FS

Sanction-cum-Allotment Order must be issued along with a reference to the Government Order for according administrative approval and financial sanction.

Prescribed Format for Submission of Information to Finance

All files related to financial matters are to be mandatorily routed through the Financial Advisor of the Department.

Guidelines for Submission of Schemes for Administrative Infrastructure Up-gradation

Guidelines for submission of Projects /Schemes for up-gradation of Administrative Infrastructure in Districts /Sub-divisions of West Bengal.

Administrative Approval of Schemes below Rs. 10 lakhs

Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary will continue to enjoy the financial power for according administrative approval upto Rs. 10 lakhs.

Administrative Approval of Plan Projects or Schemes

All Plan projects/ schemes of project cost not exceeding Rs. 10 crore, the administrative approval shall be accorded by the Departmental Secretary with the concurrence of FA.

Approval of State Planning Board – Ceiling of Project Cost

Plan projects/ schemes having estimated cost of more than Rs. 50 crore shall now have to be referred by the Administrative Departments to the State Planning Board for clearance.

Administrative Approval and Technical Sanction of Govt. Works

There are four main stages in the project for a work, namely, administrative approval, expenditure sanction, technical sanction, and appropriation or re-appropriation of funds.

Constitution of Departmental Approval Committee

Each Department shall constitute a Departmental Approval Committee (DAC) comprising Additional Chief Secretary /Principal Secretary /Secretary as Chairman.

Accounting Procedure of Execution of Works through PSU’s

Procedure of drawal and disbursement of fund and preparation of accounts related to execution of works by non-works departments of the Govt through PSU’s/ autonomous bodies/ development authorities.

Financial Power of Engineer Officers

Assistant Engineers have the Tender Acceptance Power of Rs. 3 lakhs + 5% excess of Tender value as per the new delegation of financial power rule.

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