B. Ed
A Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) is an undergraduate professional degree which prepares students for work as a teacher in schools. This is mandatory for teaching at the secondary and higher secondary level.
A Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) is an undergraduate professional degree which prepares students for work as a teacher in schools. This is mandatory for teaching at the secondary and higher secondary level.
Curriculum Structure for Two-Year Teacher Education Programmes (B.Ed & M.Ed) in West Bengal following NCTE Regulations, 2014. Prepared by the Curriculum Committee Constituted by the Higher Education Department.
The approved working untrained Assistant Teachers of the recognized Non-Government Aided Secondary Schools must have to undergo B.Ed. training course for TWO years as per NCTE norms.
Question papers for B. Ed./ B. P. Ed./ M. Ed./ M. P. Ed. examinations are henceforth printed bilingually, i.e. in both English and Bengali languages.
Upper ceiling of Admission Fees for B.Ed./ B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. Programme (2 year) in West Bengal is Rs. 75,000/- only per annum per student, for the academic session 2015-2017.
50% of the seats in Government/ Government-aided B. Ed. Colleges/ B.Ed. Departments of State-aided Universities are to be reserved for untrained in-service/ deputed teachers of Classes IX-XII.
Counseling for admission to self-financed B.Ed./B.P.Ed./ M.Ed./ M.P.Ed. colleges for 2015-2016 will be done centrally by the affiliating University and may be done through on-line or off-line mode.
Six Months Special Programme on Elementary Education Training of In-service Primary School Teachers of West Bengal, having B.Ed./ B.Ed. (Special Education/ D.Ed. (Special Education).
For smooth functioning of academic matters related to B. Ed. course in the State, the State Government in the Higher Education Department has decided to prescribe the following guidelines:
Governor has been pleased to constitute inspection team to examine the feasibility/ deficiency of establishment of self-financed B. Ed. Colleges.
As per provision under NCTE’s latest Regulation duration of B. Ed. programme shall be at least for a term of one academic year or two semesters. In obedience with the aforesaid norm of NCTE it has been decided that B. Ed. classes will start from 1st July every year and continue upto the last day of June next year.
West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer) Rules, 2013 is the latest Rule, shall have the preference over the other related Rules like B.Ed candidates, obligation for serving the institution for a particular time.
In-service school teachers now undergoing B. Ed. Course on deputation if appointed to another School as Assistant Teacher through SSC shall be released immediately.