Previously, the Govt. employees were eligible 10/20 years of Career Advancement Scheme. As per modified CAS scheme 8/16/25 years benefit is provided.
Previously, the Govt. employees were eligible 10/20 years of Career Advancement Scheme. As per modified CAS scheme 8/16/25 years benefit is provided.
Restructuring of W.B.C.S. (Exe) Cadre: Allowing 2 (two) additional increments of W.B.C.S. (Exe) officer in pre-revised scale No. 17 & 18 to all WBCS (Exe) officers who are presently enjoying these Scales.
Teachers, librarians etc. whose Career Advancement and Redesignation falls due on a date during the period from 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012, CAS and Redesignation will be effective notionally on the date when it is due.
CAS for Teachers and academic Staffs of State-aided Universities for the period starting from 30.06.2010 to be effective notionally from the date it becomes due, and actually from 01.11.2012.
Career Advancement and re-designation for the Teachers for the period starting from 30.06.2010 to be effective notionally from the date it becomes due, and actually from 01.11.2012.
What will be the date of effect if Re-designation of Reader/Lecturer (Selection Grade) with three years of continuous service is getting completed on a date during the period 30.06.2010 to 31.10.2012.
4 types of rating in old and 5 types of rating in new Annual Performance Report, deprives many deserving officers be eligible for promotion.
Officers of the West Bengal Dental Education Service and West Bengal Dental Service cadre to move to pre-revised scale No. 19 (Pay Band No – 5 with Grade Pay – 8700/-) who have completed 25 years of continuous and satisfactory service with effect from – 1.12.2012.
Governor is pleased to direct that the two G.O.s vide no. 10581-F(P) dt. 28.12.2012 and no. 3101-F(P) dt. 17.04.2013 of Finance Department may be communicated to the sub-ordinate establishment for necessary action with additional directions regarding procedures if necessary.
In old APR grading viz. Very Good, Good, Average and Poor, the maximum attainable rating of performance is 3. However, for the purpose of determining the eligibility for movement of the officers belonging to State Services to the pre-revised Scale No. 19 are using minimum threshold rating of 3.20 mandated as per the new APR format.
Movement to third higher scale of pay after completion of twenty five years of service under MCAS as now available to the employees first appointed in pre-revised scale nos. 1 to 12.
Applicability of the terms and conditions towards Redesignation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers of the State-aided-Universities in West Bengal.
Applicability of the terms and conditions towards Redesignation & Career Advancement Scheme for the teachers, librarians, physical instructors of the Government Colleges in West Bengal.