
Electricity Rules

Rules relating to generation, transmission, distribution, trading and use of electricity, protecting interest of consumers and supply of electricity to all areas.

Appellate Authority in West Bengal under Electricity Act, 2003

Governor is hereby pleased to notify that each of the following officials of the electricity utilities shall function as appellate authorities under section 127 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for Holding Inquiry by Adjudicating Officer) Rules, 2013

These rules may be called the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure for Holding Inquiry by Adjudicating Officer) Rules, 2013.

West Bengal Electrical Licensing Rules, 2017

Rules regarding Permits to Electrical Workmen, Certificate of Competency of Supervisors, National Certificate of Supervisors, Licence to Electrical Contractors etc.

West Bengal Works of Licensees Rules, 2006

A licensee may carry out works, lay down or place any electric supply-line or other works in, through, or against, any building, or on, over or under any land whereon, whereover or whereunder any electric supply-line or works has not already been lawfully laid down or placed by such licensee.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Manner of Application of Fund) Rules, 2006

All funds received shall be paid into the State Commission’s account in the bank and shall not be withdrawn except on presentation of a cheque signed by the officers as authorised by the State Commission.

West Bengal Electricity (Fees for Application for Grant of License) Rules, 2005

Every application made to the Commission for grant of licence under section 14 of the Act, shall be accompanied by a fee of rupee two lac which shall be remitted through demand draft in favour of the Commission.

West Bengal Electricity (Prior Approval for Installation of Overhead Lines) Rules, 2007

These rules may be called the West Bengal Electricity (Prior Approval for Installation of Overhead Lines) Rules, 2007.

Means of Delivery of Notice, Order or Document Rules, 2005

Every notice, order or document may also be delivered by any of the following means- (a) through special messenger after obtaining signed acknowledgement receipt therefor; or (b) by telegraphic message; or (c) by fax; or (d) by e-mail.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salaries, Allowance and Conditions of Services of the Chairperson and Other Members and subscribing to oath of office and Secretary by the Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2004

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Salaries, Allowance and Conditions of Services of the Chairperson and Other Members and subscribing to oath of office and Secretary by the Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2004.

West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Statement of Accounts) Rules, 2004

These rules may be called the West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (Annual Statement of Accounts) Rules, 2004.

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