Here you get information about various examination related government publication.
Here you get information about various examination related government publication.
Results of Higher Secondary Examination – 2022 will be published on 10th June 2022 at 11.00 a.m. through a Press Conference to be held at Rabindra Milan Mancha, 7th floor, Vidyasagar Bhavan of the Council.
Practical examination may be completed latest by 30th of June, 2022 and subsequently result may be published within 7th of July, 2022. Duly filled in Marks Foil to be submitted latest by 15th of July, 2022.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has decided to postpone the Class XI Practical Examination (Annual) except for the schools located in the hilly areas of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts.
A Special Observer need to remain in the room of Venue Supervisor and keep alert so that no undue incident could take place.
Registration Certificate for Fazil – XI may be collected from the Board Office by the Madrasah authority on and from 25.03.2022.
Result for Class XI Annual Examination should be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the Council within 31st of May, 2022.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to announce the number of maximum permissible days for which ON DUTY may be allowed to the teachers for performing H.S. Examination 2022 related work.
The Confidential Format is to be used when you see the usage of Cell Phones at your school by any staff or any other person concerned inside the venue, during Examination hours.
Guideline Booklet for Higher Secondary Examination, 2022 published by West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.
Distribution of Admit card of higher secondary examination, 2022, Registration Certificates of Annual Examination and other important documents through Camp all over the West Bengal.
Suddenly the dates of the JEE (Main) examination have been announced by National Testing Agency (NTA) on 1st March 2022.
CWSN student(s) may apply for amanuensis (Writer, Extra time etc.) to the concerned Regional Deputy Secretary through the Head of the Institution along with the following documents for the ensuing Higher Secondary Examination, 2022/ Annual Examination of Class-XI, 2022.