Release of Fund
Allotment of fund relating to Plan and Non-Plan expenditure for Salary Items and Non-Salary Items, Rural Infrastructure Development Fund etc.
Allotment of fund relating to Plan and Non-Plan expenditure for Salary Items and Non-Salary Items, Rural Infrastructure Development Fund etc.
Administrative Departments may make allotment of fund relating to Non-Plan expenditure for Salary Items and Non-Salary Items up to 33% of the whole year’s budget provision.
The Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities may make further allotment of fund up to current year’s budget provision relating to Non-Plan expenditure for Non-Salary items up to March, 2016.
Administrative Departments/ Controlling Authorities are authorized to allot/ release Plan fund upto 100% of Budget Provision under Core Plan except under 33-Subsidies, 55-Loans and Advances, 54-Investment.
For other Non-Plan expenditure the Administrative Departments may make further allotment of fund up to December, 2015, so that the total allotment from April, 2015 to December, 2015 does not exceed 75% of the whole year’s budget provision.
Proposals must be submitted to Higher Education Department (C.G Branch) with the endorsement of the Director of Public Instructions, Govt. of West Bengal not later than 30.6.2015.
Authority may make allotment of fund relating to Non-Plan expenditure for Salary Items and Non-Salary Items up to 33% of the whole year’s budget provision.
Governor has been pleased to introduce the Online System for Credit Confirmation-cum-Release of Funds as an e-Governance activity with the object of expeditious release of fund under different Central flagship programmes.
Departmental Financial Advisors will release fund to the Companies, Corporations, Local Bodies and parastatals with effect from 1st September, 2014 only if e-tender norms are properly followed.
West Bengal Appropriation Bill, 2014 has been passed by West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments under Finance (Budget) Department Memo. No. 499-F.B. dated 30th July, 2014.
Vote-on-Account Budget of the State Government for the first four months of 2014-2015 has been passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly. Copies of the West Bengal Appropriation (Vote-on-Account) Act, 2014 have been forwarded to the Administrative Departments.
The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary of the administrative department can approve release of RIDF fund after processing of the same by the departmental Financial Advisor (FA).
All the Departments are requested to make available to all offices under its control necessary allotment of fund within the last working day of the financial year 2013-2014 to square off the shortfall under various detailed heads for which bills were passed by the Treasuries/ Pay and Accounts Offices in anticipation of allotment of fund.