

Retiring gratuity is 16½ times the last pay. Death gratuity is applicable if the employee dies while in service and it is 33 times the last pay. Maximum amount of retiring gratuity/ death gratuity is Rs. 6,00,000/-.

Enhancement of Ceiling on Gratuity Payment under Gratuity Act

Governor is pleased to decide that the following guidelines shall be followed in the matter of revision of gratuity payable to the employees of those organizations.

Drawal of Gratuity by erstwhile PTT or CWTT who retired before 01.01.2020

2071-Pension & Other Retirement Benefits-01-Civil-104-Gratuities-00-Administrative Exp.-010-Payment of Gratuities to State aided College Teachers (SACT) of State aided Govt./ Non Govt. Colleges-04-Pension/ Gratuities

Basic Retirement Benefits Calculator for West Bengal Govt. Employees

Basic Retirement Benefits Calculator for West Bengal Govt. Employees, is about calculation of retiring pension (including family pension), retiring and death gratuity and leave salary in one single app.

Revision of Pension/ Family Pension (Post-01.01.2016) under SED

Revision of pension/ family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension of post 01.01.2016 pensioners implementation of the Government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission.

Conditions for Counting of Past Service in Govt. Employment

Conditions which should be fulfilled by the employee who opt for counting of his/her past service and is willing to join State Government service.

Non-Government Employees DCRB Audit Rules, 2015

These Rules may be called The West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institutions, Local Authorities and Other Institutions Employees (Death-cum-Retirement-Benefits) Audit Rules, 2015.

Scheme for Retired Employees of State Transport Undertakings

Scheme for the retired employees of State Transport Undertakings (STUs) in accordance with the direction contained in the Solemn Order dated 30.6.2015 in WP No. 11978(W) of 2015.

West Bengal Municipal Employee’s DCRB Rules, 2003

West Bengal Municipal (Employee’s Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 2003 is applicable to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.

West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees DCRB) Rules, 2008

West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees Death cum Retirement Benefit) Rules, 2008 applicable for approved teaching and non teaching staff of the Govt. or Govt. Aided or Sponsored Training Institutions.

Death-cum-Retirement Benefit Rules (After ROPA, 2019)

Minimum qualifying service for eligibility in pension is 10 years. Full Pension @ 50% of Last Pay is applicable for qualifying service of 20 years or more. It is the simplified pension matters.