
Health Act

Health Act refers to legislation aimed at safeguarding public health by regulating healthcare services, promoting health standards, and ensuring access to medical care and safety for all.

West Bengal Clinical Establishment Regulatory Commission (Salary, Allowances and Procedure) Rules, 2017

These rules may be called West Bengal Clinical Establishment Regulatory Commission (Salary, Allowances and Procedure) Rules, 2017.

West Bengal Clinical Establishment (Registration, Regulation and Transparency), Rules, 2017

These rules may be called the West Bengal Clinical Establishment (Registration, Regulation and Transparency), Rules, 2017.

West Bengal Yoga and Naturopathic System of Medicine Act, 2010

An Act to provide for the development of the Yoga and Naturopathic system of medicine and to regulate the teaching and practice thereof and to deal with certain other connected matters.

West Bengal Rural Health Regulatory Authority Act, 2009

An Act to establish the West Bengal Rural Health Regulatory Authority for regulating and registering the diploma holders in rural health care.

West Bengal Health Service Recruitment to the posts of Medial Officers [General Duty] and Medical officers [Specialist] Rules, 2016

These rules may be called the West Bengal Health Service Recruitment to the posts of Medial Officers [General Duty] and Medical officers [Specialist] Rules, 2016.

West Bengal State Ayurvedic Health Service Act, 2002

An Act to provide for the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Ayurvedic Health Service.

West Bengal State Homoeopathic Health Service Act, 2002

An Act to provide far the regulation of the recruitment, and conditions of service of persons appointed, to the State Homoeopathic Health Service.

Fixation of Post Graduate Trainee Reserve Strength of Doctors

Henceforth, strength of Trainee Reserve will be fixed as 10% of existing strength (not sanctioned strength) as on 31st December of previous year.

West Bengal Clinical Establishments (Registration, Regulation and Transparency) Act, 2017

An Act to provide for the registration, regulation and transparency of clinical establishments of the State and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to.

West Bengal State Dental Service (Amendment) Act, 2015

Recruitment to all posts in the basic level in the West Bengal Dental Service and teaching posts in West Bengal Dental Education Service shall be made through the West Bengal Health Recruitment Board.

West Bengal Medical Education Service, West Bengal Health Service and West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2015

These rules may be called the West Bengal Medical Education Service, the West Bengal Health Service and the West Bengal Public Health-cum-Administrative Service (Placement on Trainee Reserve) Rules, 2015.

West Bengal State Dental Service (Scale of Pay and Non-Practicing Allowances) Rules, 2010

West Bengal State Dental Service (Scale of Pay and Non-Practicing Allowances) Rules, 2010 shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Dental Service and the West Bengal Dental Education Service.

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