

For On-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices.

Seamless Integration between IFMS-PBSSD (TET&SDD) Portals

Governor is pleased to extend Portal-to-Portal seamless integration facility between IFMS-PBSSD (TET&SDD) portal for making smooth payment/disbursement to the trainee of PBSSD.

Last Date of Submission of Self Appraisal Report, 2020-21

Extension of the period for submission and evaluation/ acceptance of online SAR by Officer Reported Upon and Reporting Authority/ Reviewing Authority/ Accepting Authority respectively in HRMS for the Appraisal Year 2020-21.

IFMS-GeM Integration for Procurement through GeM Portal

Introduction of IFMS-GeM integration for smooth and hassle free procurement of Goods & Services through GeM Portal by all State Government Offices and Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Local Bodies, etc.

Discontinuation of Physical Copy of BSNL Telephone Bill

Recently BSNL (CTD) and BSNL (WBTC) has taken a ‘Go-Green’ initiative for discontinuation of physical copy of landline bills of BSNL for the consumers and in turn the consumers will get a discount of Rs. 10/- per bill subject to maximum Rs. 100/- for each connection each year.

Capturing GPF Balances of State Government Employees

Governor is pleased to extend the last date of capturing GPF Balances of the State Government Employees including approval by Head of Office whose Accounts are maintained by the Office of Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal upto 5th March, 2020.

Transfer of GPF Balance of Group-D Employees promoted to Group-C

What actions are to be taken by Head of Office for transfer of GPF balance to the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal (AGWB) of those Group-D employees who are/will be promoted/ appointed to Group C category or any category higher than Group C on or after 01.04.2018?

Introduction of IFMS Module for GPF Account Statement

Introduction of a facility in IFMS to access a statement showing up-to-date GPF balance for State Government Employees whose GPF Accounts are maintained by the Office of the Accountant General, West Bengal.

Creation and Management of Workflow in an Office/ Department in HRMS

Head of Office shall create a Nodal Officer in HRMS to create the workflow chain in his/her office if the Head of Office desires to get himself/herself relieved of the task of creating the different levels below him/her. Nodal Officer shall be a reliable senior officer.

Online Submission of Option Form due to ROPA, 2019

Governor is pleased to allow pay fixation of State Government employees due to ROPA, 2019 through HRMS module of iFMS for those employees having a valid HRMS ID and who will be in service as on 01.01.2020.

Service Book Management of State Government Employees

Online system of Service Book Management in respect of State Government employees. Custodian of service book. Role of the Custodian of Service Books. Scanning and uploading of Service Book by the custodian of Service Book.

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