Creation and Management of Workflow in an Office/ Department in HRMS

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch


No. 6716-F(Y) Date: 10.12.2019

Sub: Introduction of “Creation and management of Workflow in an office/ department” functionality in HRMS

Presently, whenever an employee submits any application in manual mode, it is checked at multiple levels of the office before final approval and issuance of order. Following the same process flow in electronic mode in HRMS was under active consideration of the Government for sometimes past.

Now the Governor is pleased to introduce a new functionality namely “Creation and management of Workflow in an office/department” in HRMS, the details of which are given below:

Purpose of Work flow chain creation:

Work flow chain creation is a functionality by which the work distribution of an office for establishment matters shall be defined in the system by the Nodal Officer of the Office based on the office order issued by the Head of Office. By this process an application relating to Leave, Loan, pay fixation, LTC/ TA/ DA submitted online by an employee posted in an office shall move through different levels of the office electronically following the workflow chain so defined for evaluation/verification before final approval and issuance of the order.


  1. The Head of Office shall create a Nodal Officer in HRMS to create the workflow chain in his/her office if the Head of Office desires to get himself/herself relieved of the task of creating the different levels below him/her. Nodal Officer shall be a reliable senior officer.
  2. The Nodal Officer shall create different work flow chains for different sub-modules (e.g Loan, Leave, LTC/ HTC, Pay fixation, etc.) of HRMS based upon parameters like Cadre, Service Type, Date of Joining Service, Initials of the name etc for proper distribution of the work amongst the staff & officers.
  3. In addition to the Head of Office having ultimate authority, “Users” may be created to discharge the role of Delegated Approver, Recommending Authority and Operator. There may be multiple Users in each of the levels below Head of Office and there may be none at all depending upon the size of the establishment, requirement and preference of the Head of Office.
  4. Whenever an employee submits an online “Applications” through the eSE (eServices for employees) login, based upon the workflow chain (as stated in Sl. No. 2 above) to which an employee of an office is matched by the system, that application directly goes to the login of the Dealing Assistant who is at the lowest level (generally Operator) of the chain.
  5. The Dealing Assistant after processing the application shall send it online to the immediate higher authority, who if not the final approving authority can forward it to next level for approval.
  6. The Authority who is delegated with the power of Delegated Approver, however, always will have a facility to send it to the Head of Office, if needed.
  7. However, the Head of Office may have full power of all approvals in HRMS.
  8. One employee/ officer can be given roles of Operator/ Recommender/ Delegated Approver for multiple subject matters in HRMS like Leave, Loan, TA/DA/LTC etc.


  1. The functionality shall ensure that the “Application” made by an employee is submitted online exactly to the Dealing Assistant who looks after the respective work of an employee or the subject matter as assigned by the Head of Office.
  2. The quality of processing of applications shall improve.
  3. The employee shall be able to know, with whom his/her application is pending.
  4. This will result in faster processing of establishment related matters of an employee.

Initially the workflow chain creation is introduced for submission of option form (Schedule IV) of Revision of Pay and Allowances of the State Government employees vide Notification No. 5562-F dated 25th September, 2019 (ROPA, 2019) and its approval. However, this facility will be extended to service book, leave, loan, TA/DA, etc. sub-modules of HRMS in due course.

The detailed procedure for creation of work flow chain has been given in Guidelines section of portal.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 6716-F dated 10.12.2019, Source

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