

For On-line real time management monitoring and control of all fund allocations and financial transactions in different Departments and their subordinate offices.

Web-socket based Digital Signature Certificate in IFMS

The new Web-Socket based D-Sign allows authentication of data by multiple users as well as signing of documents. It also minimizes dependency on the Internet Browser and incorporate multiple signatories on the same document.

Introduction of Exit Management Sub-Module in HRMS

Exit Management Sub-Module of HRMS has been developed for processing of pension papers for State Government Employees on retirement whose PPO is issued from AGWB.

Entry of Nomination and Family Details in HRMS

Nominations submitted through e-Services for Employee or entered in HRMS by the HOO Approver on behalf of the employee shall have to be approved by the Head of Office after proper verification.

Introduction of Deputation Sub-Module of HRMS

Governor is pleased to introduce the Deputation Sub-Module in Human Resource Management System (HRMS) for all State Government employees posted on different types of deputation.

Introduction of Newly Introduced Sub-Modules of HRMS

After successful implementation of the Pay Roll, Stakeholders, Leave, Loan and T.A./D.A. sub-modules of HRMS, Govt. has decided to further introduce 7 new sub-modules viz. Sanctioned Strength, Transfer, Pay-fixation, Non-functional Promotion, Training, Confirmation and Exit Management (Pension).

Online GPF Module to Group D Work Charged Employees

All Work Charged employees shall be mapped with their respective Head of Offices in the stakeholder module of HRMS within 15.06.2018.

Approval of Opening Balance of GPF (Group D Employees)

Extension of last date of entry and approval of Opening balance of GPF for Group D Employees in IFMS and submission of documents to DPPG WB.

Online System of Self Appraisal Report for Group-A Officers

The online Self Appraisal Report (SAR) for the Appraisal Year 2017-18 for all Group-A employees of the State Government shall be available for submission in HRMS from 01.06.2018 onwards.

Control and Management of GPF (Group D Employees)

Henceforth, Unique Id generated in the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) shall be treated as the GPF Account Number for the Group D Employees.

Manual Refund Procedure of SGST

Till the process of automated refund of SGST is introduced the manual procedure for refund of SGST shall be followed.

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