Loans and Advances of State Government for 2024-2025
Loans and Advances of the State Govt – Interest rates and other terms and conditions for the F.Y. 2024-25.
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2023-2024
Loans and Advances of the State Government – Interest rates and other terms and conditions for the Financial Year, 2023-24.
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2022-2023
Loans and Advances of the State Govt- Interest rates and other terms and conditions from the year 2018-19 to 2022-2023.
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2016-2017
Loans and Advances of the State Govt – Interest rates and other terms and conditions for the year 2016-2017 (No. 565-FB dated 21.07.2017).
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2015-2016
Subject: Loans and Advances of the State Govt – Interest rates and other terms and conditions for the year 2015-2016 vide No. 330-F.B. dated 17.06.2016.
Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2014-2015
Rate of Interest for Other Advances (i.e. advances in connection with marriage, illness, etc. and advances for other purposes) including passage advance is 5.5% per annum.
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2014-2015
The rate of interest on loans sanctioned in respect of Externally Aided Project including Back to Back out of the loan assistance from World Bank/A.D.B etc. will be same at which it is received.
Loans and Advances of State Government for 2013-2014
Loans to Local Bodies – Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Improvement Trusts, Development Authorities, Zilla Parishads, Anchalic Parishads, Panchayat Samities, Housing Boards etc.
Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2013-2014
Governor has been pleased to fix the following rates of interest on loans and advances taken by Government Servants during the year 2013-2014 as follows:
Interest Rate on Loans and Advances for 2012-2013
(i) Up to Rs. 50,000/- ………… 6% (ii) Up to Rs. 1,50,000/- ………… 7.5% (iii) Up to Rs. 5,00,000/- ………… 9% (iv) Up to Rs. 7,50,000/- ………… 9.5%
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