Governor is pleased to revise the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in respect of the employment in ‘Employment in meat and meat Products and feed Plants’, in the State of West Bengal.
The minimum rates of wages for those in the employment of CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF ROADS OR IN BUILDING OPERATION in the state of West Bengal.
Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc. for 2016.
The responsibility for E.S.I., E.P.F., Bonus for the security personnel to be provided by the Security Service Agency will be shouldered by the agency supplying/ engaging the personnel.
Unskilled worker working in MGNREGS in West Bengal shall get Rs. 169.00 for a day’s work. Likewise a semi-skilled and skilled worker shall get wages at the rate of Rs. 253.50 and Rs. 338.00 respectively.
A further ad-hoc increase in the existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 13/- only with effect from January 01, 2014 for the daily rated workers under the Governor whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.
The number of years of engagement will be determined as on 01.04.2013. All other terms and conditions will same as in Finance Department’s Memo No. 9008-F(P), dated 16th September, 2011.
Rates of daily wages of daily-rated workers under the Government whose wages are not regulated by any of the Statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.
Trade Unions and Organisations alleged the Government for violation of various provisions under Labour Laws particularly by such contractors and agencies.
Monthly security charges payable to such security agencies will be revised automatically based on the revised Minimum Wages as declared by Labour Department.