

Right to Education Act (RTE), describes the modalities of the importance of free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21a of the Indian Constitution.

Policy for Rationalization of Secondary School Teachers in West Bengal

For protecting the educational right of student as well as for optimum utilization of manpower and to realize full potential of such teacher a policy for rationalization of teachers working in recognised non-Government aided/ sponsored secondary schools in the State is much needed one to cope up with present situation.

Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2022

The admission procedure (distribution and receiving of admission forms of lottery, draw of lot, admission of candidate etc.) shall be done strictly as per COVID-19 protocol issued by the Government of West Bengal from time to time.

Admission of Children in Elementary Classes for Session, 2021

Children seeking admission for pre-primary class shall be 5 years of age or above and below 6 years as on 01.01.2021, all children of the age of 6-14 years shall be admitted to their age appropriate classes.

Project DIPANKAR – The Child Tracking System

State Government had requested the NIC to prepare a Project Report called Dipankar for tracking the educational progress of every child throughout the elementary stage.

Inclusion of Class V in all Primary Schools in West Bengal

In conformity with the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Government of West Bengal in School Education Department has decided to include class V in all primary schools of West Bengal in phased manner.

Special Teaching for Child Fails in V and VIII Class

There shall be an assessment based on the total score obtained in the three Summative Evaluation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation in the fifth class and in the eighth class of every academic year. If a child fails he shall be given Special Teaching by the school authority within a period of two months.

School Education Scenario in West Bengal

A. Basic Total Literacy Rate (%) 70.16 Male Literacy Rate (%) 79.89 Female Literacy Rate (%) 59.73 B. Pre Schooling Population (3 to 4+ Years) 365853 Anganwadi (ICDS) Centres 4836 Anganwadi Workers 4758 Anganwadi Helpers 4655 Children Enrolled (3 to 6 Years) 268347 Children Enrolled (3 to 4+ Years) 125025 Children Out of ICDS centers […]

Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2019

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary schools for the academic session – 2019.

Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2019

All children from 6-14 years shall be admitted to their age appropriate classes in neighbour-hood schools, and elementary education including pre-primary education shall be provided to them free of cost.

Admission of Children in Govt. Sponsored/ Aided Schools, 2018

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Govt Sponsored/ Aided Primary/ Upper Primary/ High/ Higher Secondary Schools, 2018.

Admission of Children in Govt. Schools/ Model Schools, 2018

Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Govt schools including Model schools and integrated schools for the academic session, 2018.

Age Criteria for Admission in Govt. Aided Schools, 2017

Children who have completed any class at a lesser age as per prevalent rule in force at the material point of time in any Govt. Sponsored school may be allowed to proceed to the next class.

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