Salary, Wages, Remuneration, Honorarium etc.
The entitlement of annual enhancement of remuneration/ professional fees of the IT personnel as provided in Memo No. 5859-F(Y) dated 22.07.2013 shall not affect till their remuneration structure is further revised.
Governor is pleased to enhance the monthly remuneration of the Junior Research Fellows and Senior Research Fellows as follows: Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 30,000/- respectively with effect from February, 2021.
Governor has been pleased to accord approval for an yearly enhancement of remuneration @ 3% in respect of Para teachers and other categories of personnel engaged under SSM, SSK and MSK teachers who have been brought under School Education Department in the recent past.
An Act to provide for the Appointment, Salaries, Allowances and other Miscellaneous provisions of the Parliamentary Secretaries in the State of West Bengal.
The salary of State Government employees and salary out of Grants-in-aid for the month of October 2020 will be disbursed on the 28th October 2020 and 29th October 2020 respectively.
Contractual remuneration of the Senior Residents after enhancement would amount to i. Senior Residents having PG Diploma @ Rs. 65,000/- ii. Senior Residents having PG Degree @ Rs. 70,000/- iii. Senior Residents having Post Doctoral Degree @ Rs. 75,000/- per month.
Restructuring of service conditions and other benefits for Govt. approved Part Time teachers (PTTs), Govt. approved Contractual Whole time teachers (CWTTs) and Guest teachers engaged in different Govt./ Govt. aided colleges.
Basic Pay (Band Pay + Gr. Pay) last drawn by him on the date of superannuation will be revised notionally w.e.f. 01.01.2020 under Rule 7 of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019 as if he were in service on 01.01.2020.
Enhancement of the corresponding Band Pay as par ROPA, 2009 in case of trained primary teachers is Rs. 7440/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-3 and in case of untrained primary teachers is Rs. 6700/- (initial Band Pay) in the Pay Band-2.
Grade Pay of Trained Primary Teachers is enhanced from Rs. 2600/- in Pay Band-2 to Rs. 3600/- in Pay Band-3 and the Grade Pay of Untrained Primary Teachers is enhanced from Rs. 2300/- to Rs. 2900/- in Pay Band-2 with effect from 1st August, 2019.