Salary, Wages, Remuneration, Honorarium etc.
Bills for monthly ‘Honorarium’ for the Anganwadi Workers/ Helpers are to be generated through HRMS as usual and shall continue in TR Form No. 26 through e-Billing module of IFMS as a temporary measure until further order.
Whether drawal of non recurring wages of workers engaged locally and temporarily on seasonal/ one time basis should be paid through HRMS.
With effect from 1st February, 2019 such workers, on attaining the age of 60 (sixty) years, will be entitled to one time terminal benefit of Rs. 3.00 Lakh in place of existing Rs. 2.00 Lakh.
Governor has been pleased to revise the monthly remuneration/ professional fee of the IT/Software Personnel engaged in various Government Establishments.
With effect from the 1st February, 2019 the consolidated remuneration of Casual/ Daily rated/ Contractual Workers (Group C and Group D) will be revised.
Consolidated remuneration of Shiksha Bandhu of PBSSM will be enhanced by 40% (forty percent) of their existing rate of remuneration as entitled in their individual capacity.
Governor has been pleased to decide that remuneration of part time Karmabandhus, paid out of contingency would be enhanced to Rs. 3,000/- per month.
In view of Puja Festival 2017, Salary for the month of September shall be paid on the penultimate and last working day of this month i.e. by 25.09.2017.
Payment of wages for contractual engagement shall have to be paid from detailed head 02-wages irrespective of the engagement being made on daily rated, consolidated or in scale linked.
To provide adequate liquid cash so that the disbursement of salary to the employees can be made in cash in denomination of Rs. 500/- and below.