One of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools is that he/ she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET).
The Scrutiny/ Verification process and Viva-voce/ Aptitude Test will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 pm on 19.09.2022 (Monday) at Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan, DK-7/1, Salt Lake, Sector-II, Kolkata – 91.
Notification in Respect of the TET qualified and D.El.Ed passed candidates of the session 2019-2021 for issue of TET-2014 Pass Certificate.
Rectified/ modified/ updated online system for submission of particulars for TET-2014 Pass Certificate will be available to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on and from 06.08.2022 to 21.08.2022.
Rectification/ Upgradation/ Modification of Online System for Submission of Particulars for Issue of TET-2014 Pass Certificates in compliance with the Order of the Honourable Calcutta High Court, passed on 20.06.2022 in the matter of WPA-10358 of 2022
Notification for Submission of Particulars Online for Issue of TET Pass Certificate in compliance with the Order of the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta passed on 03.02.2022. Last Date Extended upto 20.06.2022.
Scanned copies of the TET-2017-Question Booklets (other than CXN, already uploaded and available) are further being uploaded herewith post-publication of the result of the TET-2017 on 10.01.2022.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education will issue TET-2014 PASS CERTIFICATES to the TET-2014 qualified and trained candidates on submission of the online application in the prescribed Proforma.
Online Edit Options for the TET-2017-Applicants will be available from 02:00 p.m. of 16/01/2018 to 04:00 p.m. of 31/01/2018.
WBMDFC is organizing Pre-Recruitment Free Coaching for candidates belonging to Minority Communities for Primary Teachers’ Eligibility Test, 2017.
Persons enrolled in NCTE/RCI Recognized Institutions and pursuing Elementary Teacher Training Courses may apply for TET on and from 15/11/2017 to 30/11/2017.