Extension of Age Limit of New Born Baby for availing benefits of WBHS
Extension of age limit of new born baby for availing benefits of West Bengal Health Scheme with the enrolment certificate of parents.
Guidelines i.r.o. IPD treatment in COVID situation under WBHS
Governor is pleased to issue a fresh guidelines for reimbursement towards the cost of any IPD treatment including COVID-19 cases in the following manner for the benefit of members enrolled under West Bengal Health Scheme.
Entitlement for Accommodation after ROPA, 2019 under WBHS
With the inclusion of Pay Clinic of Government Hospitals and Tata Medical Centre, Rajarhat under WBHS and due to implementation of ROPA 2019, and as such it has been felt necessary to redefine the type of accommodation which the employees and pensioner may avail at the time of indoor treatment.
Cashless Admissibility Reimbursement Certificate
Relaxation of proviso of Financial Power for Sanctioning Cost of Treatment for payment against Cashless Admissibility Reimbursement Certificate (CARC).
Health Scheme Enrollment nearest to Residence of Pensioner
To apply for the same to any office up to sub-divisional level of the department concerned nearest to the residence of the pensioner or to the office of the Sub-divisional Officer of the Sub-Division where pensioner resides.
West Bengal Health Scheme for the Beneficiaries of Grant-in-aid Colleges and Universities, 2017
Medical benefits to the serving Teachers including Librarians and Graduate Laboratory Instructors of Government-aided Colleges and serving Teachers and Officers of State aided Universities.
Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme – Last Date: 31.03.2019
Existing, retired State Government employees pensioners, Family Pensioners, AIS and retired AIS officers who have not enrolled their names under the WBHS may be allowed to enrol up to 31.03.2019.
Delay in Submission of Medical Reimbursement Claim
Condonation of delay beyond one year for both Indoor and OPD cases, proposal is to be submitted through the administrative department before the WBHS Authority under Finance Department.
Online Bill Submission by HCOs in West Bengal Health Portal
Introduction of online seeking/ grant of permission and preparation/ submission of online Bill by Health Care Organizations (HCOs) in West Bengal Health Portal.
Relaxation in Income Limit for Medical Treatment
Governor is pleased to relax the income limit for parents, son, minor brother, unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughters, unmarried/ widowed/ divorced sisters of the Government employee/ pensioner for medical treatment of Critical diseases.
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