
Health Scheme Enrollment nearest to Residence of Pensioner

Finance, 👁️ 313

To apply for the same to any office up to sub-divisional level of the department concerned nearest to the residence of the pensioner or to the office of the Sub-divisional Officer of the Sub-Division where pensioner resides.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Medical Cell

No: 102-F(MED)WB Date: 12/10/2018


As per existing norms, enrollment of pensioners in the WBHS, 2008 now called as West Bengal Health for All Employees and Pensioners Cashless Medical Treatment Scheme, 2014, is being made in the following manner.

Automatic conversion from employee to pensioner in the Health Portal can be done by the DDO of the office of the PSA if the concerned employee is already enrolled in the scheme.

When the pensioner likes to reside in another place other than proximity to the office of the PSA, s/he may apply for such enrollment to the Authority of the District Office of the same Department and where there is no such office, to the office of the concerned District Magistrate as per order no 10795-F(MED) dated 22.11.2010.

It has been brought to the notice to this end that pensioners are facing problem to enroll their names under the scheme when they reside far from their office of the PSA and specially when there is no such office of the concerned department in the District.

Now the Governor is pleased to extend the benefit of enrollment to such pensioners along with their family members under the scheme in addition to the existing norms by allowing them to apply for the same to any office up to sub-divisional level of the department concerned nearest to the residence of the pensioner or to the office of the Sub-divisional Officer of the Sub-Division where pensioner resides.

Here it is to mention that for those pensioners who have already enrolled in the office of the District Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Officer in lieu of their office of the PSA, the sanctioning authority of their claim beyond the limit of the DM/SDO (as the case may be) for both OPD and indoor treatment will be the concerned authority of the Directorate/ Department under which the pensioner served before his retirement as per sanctioning limit of these authorities.

In case of pensioners living in Kolkata after retirement and whose last place of posting was at a distant place, the norms of their enrollment along with settlement of their claims remains same as laid down in the order no 10795-F(MED) dated 22.11.2010 i.e., they may apply to the concerned Directorate office in Kolkata.

The term ‘Pensioner’ mentioned in the order no 10795-F(MED) dated 22.11.2010 as well as this order includes Family Pensioner if all the above benefits have also been extended to the Family Pension.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 102-F dated 12.10.2018, Source