Workflow based File Tracking System (WFTS) is web-enabled application software introduced by Finance Department to track online movement of files for speedy decision making.
Workflow based File Tracking System (WFTS) is web-enabled application software introduced by Finance Department to track online movement of files for speedy decision making.
Implementation of WFTS (Workflow based File & Letter Tracking System) has been attached a very high priority by the State Govt. for speedy decision making at all levels.
The moment a file is dispatched online through Workflow based File Tracking System, an alert message is sent to the Head of the Department that the file is ready for dispatch and the same may be collected by 1 pm, next day.
All departments and directorates/ bodies under their control should adopt WFTS at the earliest. From 1st July, 2014, files sent to the Finance Department using WFTS will only be received by the Finance Department.
Governor is pleased to introduce Central Clearing System in Finance Department at Nabanna with effect from 05.03.2014 to facilitate orderly physical dispatch of files to the Administrative Departments located within or outside Nabanna.
A workshop will be held from 19th November 2012 to 21st November 2012 to apprise the modalities and impart necessary training towards implementation of Workflow Based Online File Tracking System (WFTS).
Finance Department has introduced web-enabled application software Workflow based Online File Tracking System to track online movement of files for speedy decision making at all levels.
Workflow based online File Tracking System (WFTS) is going to be implemented within the government departments to track online movement of files for speedy decision making at all levels.