Health, Admission , Nursing , Recruitment
Selection as Trainee Reserve will be strictly on the basis of merit, i.e. marks obtained in concerned Entrance Examination. Candidates should apply for obtaining No Objection Certificate in the prescribed format enclosed together with this.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Nursing Branch
Swasthya Bhawan, 1st Floor, Wing-A
GN-29, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata -91
Memo No. HNG/6S-48-79/Pt-V/KW/863, Dated, Kolkata, the 10.07.2013
The Principal/ Medical superintendent-cum-vice Principal/ Surgeon Superintendent/ Chief Medical Officer of Health/ Superintendent/ Principal Nursing Officer/ Sr. Sister Tutor/ District public Health Nursing Officer/ Nursing Superintendent.
In terms of Notification No. HF/O/GA (Ng)/95/HNG/3P-8-2010 dated Kolkata, 9th July, 2013 issued by the Jt. Secretary, Deptt. of Health & Family Welfare Govt. of West Bengal, it has since been decided that the number of Trainee Reserve during the year 2013-15 in following courses will be as follows:-
M.Sc. Nursing – 30
P.B.B.Sc. Nursing (Post Basic) – 341
Selection as Trainee Reserve will be strictly on the basis of merit, i.e. marks obtained in concerned Entrance Examination. Candidates should apply for obtaining No Objection Certificate in the prescribed format enclosed together with this.
The same is also available in the “Notice Section” of the web site of Department of Health and Family Welfare, West Bengal (
Candidates are informed to submit their application for No Objection Certificate only for appearing counseling for the said course.
Complete and duly forwarded application for No Objection Certificate should reach to the office of the Dy. Director of Health Services (Nursing), West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan(lst Floor), Wing-‘A’, GN-29, Sector- V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091 within 17.07.2013, preferably by hand.
Sd/- Dy. Director of Health Services (Nursing) West Bengal