
Training on Workflow based Online File Tracking System

Finance, 👁️ 182

A workshop will be held from 19th November 2012 to 21st November 2012 to apprise the modalities and impart necessary training towards implementation of Workflow Based Online File Tracking System (WFTS).

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 1382(85)-FB, Dated: 12.11.2012

From: Apurba Ratan Chakraborty, IAS
Special Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.

To: Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary/ Commissioner/IGR to the Government of West Bengal
………………….. Department/ Directorate

Subject:- Workflow based Online File Tracking System (WFTS)


I am directed to refer to the communication of Finance Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal vide letter, no. FS/5439/2012 dated 06/11/2012 (copy enclosed) on the captioned subject and to state that a workshop will be held from 19th November 2012 to 21st November 2012 in the Conference Hall-II attached to the Chief Minister’s Office as per schedule enclosed herewith to apprise the modalities & impart necessary training towards implementation of Workflow Based Online File Tracking System (WFTS) in your Department/ Directorate w.e.f. 1st December 2012. Department wise administrator login tokens (user id & password) of WFTS will be communicated during the training session.

I am further directed to request you kindly to depute two officials (one of whom will act as the Administrator of WFTS of your Department/ Directorate) to attend the said training program.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- A. R. Chakraborty
Special Secretary

No. 1382-FB dated 12.11.2012, Training Schedule

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