
Travelling Allowance Rules – Fourth Pay Commission

Finance, 👁️ 1976

Travelling allowance and Daily allowance admissible to the State Government employees for journeys on tour and transfer according to their Group (Pay Range).

Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 4730-F, Dated: 25.05.1999.


Subject: Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission.

The Forth Pay Commission has submitted its recommendations of Travelling allowance and Daily allowance admissible to the State Government employees. After careful consideration of the existing rules and orders relating to travelling allowance/ daily allowance for journeys on tour and transfer in respect of the State Government employees and the recommendations of the Pay Commission in this regard, the Governor is pleased to make certain modifications in the rules and orders relating to travelling allowance/ daily allowance as detailed in the Annexure to this memorandum.

2. The term ‘pay’ for the purpose of this order in the case of the employees who are drawing pay in the revised scales under the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowances) Rules, 1998 shall mean ‘Basic pay’ as defined in clause (3) of rule 5 of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I except in the cases of Medical Officers where ‘pay’ shall mean ‘Basic pay’ plus Non-practising Allowance admissible to and drawn by the individual medical officers. In case of the employees, who opt to retain the pre-revised scales of pay, the term ‘pay’ shall include, besides pay in the pre-revised scales of pay, ‘Dearness Allowance’ as were admissible to such employees on 1.10.96 in terms of Finance Department Memo No. 7756-F, dated 27.8.96.

3. This order shall take effect from 1st June, 1999. It is further clarified that in respect of journeys on tour or transfer made o or before 31st May, 1999 (midnight), the rates of travelling allowance shall as per old rules whereas in respect of such journeys made on 1st June, 1999 onwards, the rates of travelling allowance shall be as per this order.

4. Formal amendments to the relevant rules of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II, will be made in due course.

Joint Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal,
Finance Department

No. 4730-F dated 25.05.1999

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