Upper Age Limit for Assistant Professors and Librarians
Higher Education, Recruitment 👁️ 169
Upper age limit for direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors and Librarians in Government and Government-aided colleges and State-aided Universities is enhanced from 37 years to 40 years.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education (C.S. Branch)
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091
No. 456-Edn(CS)/8R-01/2019 Date: 07.03.2019
The question of enhancement of the upper age limit for direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors & Librarians in Govt./ Govt-aided colleges/ State-aided Universities was under active consideration of the State Government for some time past.
Considering all aspects of the matter, the undersigned is directed by the order of the Governor to say that notwithstanding anything contained in any orders/ rules/ notification/ guidelines/ statute, the upper age limit for direct recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors & Librarians in Government and Government-aided colleges and State-aided Universities is enhanced from 37 years to 40 years (with usual relaxation for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Differently-abled categories as per extant norms) with immediate effect.
The Governor, in this regard is also pleased to direct that all other existing provisions of orders/ rules/ notification/ guidelines/ statute regulating service terms and conditions of Assistant Professors & Librarians shall remain unaltered, except to the above extent.
Necessary amendments in the concerned orders/ rules/ notifications/ guidelines/ statute shall be made in due course.
This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide U.O. No Group-P2/2018-2019/1062, dated 01.03.2019.
By Order of the Governor
Sd/- Joint Secretary