
West Bengal Form No. 2911 (Standard Bid Document)

Finance, , 👁️ 894

A revised West Bengal Form No. 2911, is introduced with immediate effect for use in the tenders for works of value upto Rs. 25 crore.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No. 5696-F(Y) Dated, 1st October, 2019


The matter of revision of West Bengal Form No. 2911 (Standard Bid Document) applicable for Works of value up to Rs. 25 crore was under active consideration of the Government for some time past.

After careful consideration of the matter, a revised West Bengal Form No. 2911, as annexed with this order, is introduced with immediate effect for use in the tenders for works of value upto Rs. 25 crore.

Necessary amendment in the West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume I shall be made in due course.

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 5696-F dated 01.10.2019, Source