
Workflow based online File Tracking System (WFTS)

Finance, 👁️ 540

Workflow based online File Tracking System (WFTS) is going to be implemented within the government departments to track online movement of files for speedy decision making at all levels.

The web-enabled application software “Workflow based Online File Tracking System (WFTS)” is going to be implemented within the government departments to track online movement of files for speedy decision making at all levels.

Main Features


Main Activities

  1. Sign in through Username & Password
  2. Check Pending Files for Dispatch OR Files on Transit to Receive
  3. Open list of Files from Files on Transit, Receive Files physically, Generate Receipt
  4. Open list of files from In box, view notes, Take appropriate action
  5. Dispatching file to other user

WFTS Press Note, WFTS Presentation

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