
Distribution of Admit Cards of Madhyamik Pariksha, 2014

School Education, , 👁️ 179

Admit Cards of the candidates (Regular & External) appearing at the Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2014 will be distributed through respective Camp offices organized by the Board on 12th February, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Nivedita Bhawan, Block DJ-8, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091

The News Editor

No. D.S.(E)/94/14 Date: 03.02.2014

Dear Sir/ Madam,

As directed you are requested to kindly publish/telecast the following ‘Press Note’ in your esteemed Daily/ News Media in the interest of the examinees of Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2014.

Thanking you,

Sd/- Deputy Secretary (Examination)


It is for information of all heads of the institution of X Class high schools recognized by the Board that Admit Cards of the candidates (Regular & External) appearing at the Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2014 will be distributed through respective Camp offices organized by the Board on 12th February, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Head of the institution or his/ her authorized responsible representative shall collect Admit Cards from respective camp offices.

In view of the above it is mentioned here that if any error(s) or discrepancy(ies) is/are found in the Admit Card the same shall be brought into the notice of respective Regional Council Office of the Board in writing within 18th February, 2014 for necessary correction.

It may kindly be noted that no application for such correction will be entertained after the above mentioned date.

Yours faithfully,

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education