
Apply for Amended OBC Certificate for new Categorization

BCWD, 👁️ 266

OBC certificate holder is required to apply for the amended certificate in plain paper along with original OBC certificate and attested documentary proof in support of non-creamy layer status.

Government of West Bengal
Backward Classes Welfare Department
Administrative Buildings, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 091
Website: www.anagrasarkalyan.gov.in

No. 960-BCW/MR-221/08 (Part-1) Dated 13.03.2015


Since the status of a person belonging to ‘Creamy Layer’ changes with time and consequent upon modification of nomenclature of twenty four (24) enlisted Other Backward Classes (OBCs) of this State, vide Order No. 2770-BCW/MR-116/12, dt. 29.08.2014, and introduction of categorization of OBC persons into Category A & Category B as per their relative backwardness there is a need of issuance of amended OBC certificates from the concerned certificate issuing authority in order to avail the benefits of reservation.

In view of this and after careful consideration of all aspects, it has been decided that such amended OBC certificates will be issued in the following manner:-

a) The OBC certificate holder is required to apply for the amended certificate in plain paper to the concerned certificate issuing authority along with original OBC certificate and attested documentary proof in support of non-creamy layer status along with two copies of recent passport sized coloured photograph.

b) Certificate Issuing authority, after categorizing the applicant into Category-A or Category-B as per his/her relative backwardness and being fully satisfied of the applicant’s non ‘Creamy Layer’ status (fresh field enquiry, if needed, is suggested), shall issue a fresh OBC certificate with new Certificate number and date against old certificate number.

Aforesaid procedure is applicable in respect of certificates either issued on-line or are issued manually and data of which are available in the Central Server.

c) In case of the OBC certificates, which were issued manually but there are no data in the central server the age-old method of stamping will continue provided the certificate issuing authority is satisfied about the non-creamy layer status of the applicant.

d) During this process if it is seen that the applicant belongs to the ‘Creamy Layer’ then obviously the new certificate will not be issued to the incumbent. The enquiry report establishing him/her belonging to ‘Creamy Layer’ along with the old certificate should be preserved properly to handle any subsequent legal eventuality.

The same procedure may be used for issuance of duplicate OBC certificate, subject to usual checks.

Sd/- Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 960-BCW dated 13.03.2015

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