West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1974
An Act to provide for the constitution of a fund for promoting activities connected with the welfare of labour in West Bengal and for matters connected therewith.
Scholarship/ Book Grant from West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board invites application for awarding Scholarship/ Book Grant to the sons and daughters, who are contributing to West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund. Last date: 31.01.2015.
Yuvasree for Completely Unemployed Job-Seekers
In the Resolution No. 175-Emp. Dated 29-08-2013, under para-5 titled ‘Eligibility Criteria’, replace the word ‘Unemployed’ with ‘Completely Unemployed’ in Clause-5(A) (1) of the Scheme.
West Bengal Employment Scheme Loans (Recovery) Act, 1992
An Act to provide for the recovery, as public demand, of the loans advanced by banks, other financial institutions and the State Government to unemployed persons in West Bengal under employment programmes of the State Government for providing employment to such persons.
Policy of Compassionate Appointment in the Undertaking of Labour Department
Before notifying the policy, the administrative Department shall obtain the concurrence of the Labour Department and the Finance Department.
Principles and Procedures of Appointment on Compassionate Ground
Governor has been pleased to lay down the following principles and procedures to be followed in dealing with the issue of appointment on compassionate ground to the dependants of employees who die-in-harness, or who retire prematurely on being declared permanently incapacitated.
Samajik Mukti (Social Freedom)
State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for Unorganized Workers (SASPFUW), Buildings and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare (BOCWA) and West Bengal Motor Transport Workers’ Welfare (WBTWSS) Schemes
Scholarship for Employees of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board
West Bengal Labour Welfare Board will allow Son’s & Daughters of the employees, Scholarship/ Stipend for the course from Higher Secondary, Post Graduate, Medical, Engineering & Diploma Courses approved by this Board.
West Bengal Scheme for Compassionate Appointment, 2013
This Scheme for Compassionate Appointment shall apply to a dependent family member of a Govt employee who – (a) dies while in service; or (b) is disabled permanently.
Yuva Utsaha Prakalpa, 2013 for Job-Seekers of West Bengal
The objective of the scheme is to provide unemployment assistance to the enrolled jobseekers of Employment Bank to enable them to upgrade their level of skill in order to make them employable.
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